Can You Receive Accommodations for Mental Health in College?
Did you know that about 53% of college graduates cannot find a job in their field of study after graduation? Are you one of those statistics, tired of not getting the jobs you apply for?
A recent study stated that 58% of families use scholarships to help pay for college. You might be thinking of applying for academic scholarships but not sure how?
Social networking has a significant impact on a student's success in college. Who students socialize with can either help them or hinder them.
Do you know what blacksmiths, musicians, and carpenters have in common? These three professions are among the oldest jobs in the world. Farmers, fishermen, and artists also make the list.
Attending college is a major decision many high schoolers face as they get ready to graduate. Around 17.9 million students have enrolled annu
In today's digital age, resumes have evolved from a simple paper document to a complex digital representation of a job seeker's skills and experience. With the advent of online job boards, applicant tracking systems,... Read More
As a college junior, you may think that you have plenty of time before you need to start thinking about your career. However, it's never too early to start preparing for your future. By taking proactive steps now, you... Read More
Military spouses often face unique challenges when pursuing their education. Relocations, deployments, and other demands make getting a college education seem impossible.
Did you know that, on average medical intern students make about $37,000 a year? It's nice to get paid while you get help learning about your dream career. Interns specialize in many different fields in the healthcare... Read More