What Should I Major In? Pandemic Edition
Apr 15,2021
Are you part of the crowd that wonders if the world will ever "return to normal" once the pandemic is behind us? No one truly knows what it will take to experience a universal release from lockdown. Perhaps it's the vaccine; perhaps it's a miracle.
Still, at some point, the world will shift on its axis again. And, when it does, why not step into the future armed with a plan? If you're asking yourself, "What should I major in?" day in and day out, allows us to take some of that weight off your shoulders.
We've gathered the research and presented it here for you. Below, you'll find six fields of study that will serve you well, post-COVID. Let's open some doors.
What careers are needed right now? Well, there's no denying the fact that the rules of the classroom changed drastically in the wake of COVID-19. Teachers had to adapt to in-class and online learning in ways they never imagined.
Still, when the dust settles, there will continue to be a great need for teachers all across the globe. Better yet, if you're in a position to relocate after college, you'll open a wealth of new doors.
For example, there might be a greater need for teachers in Florida than in Rhode Island. So, if you're open to moving to a new state, pursuing their state licensure, and starting afresh, you never know what kind of adventures you'll find.
Are you still wondering what to major in post-COVID? How about this: when the world receded behind closed doors and, in many ways, could only rely on the Internet for work, school, and deliveries, the world wide web started to take on a different light.
Marketing is, of course, a huge umbrella with many offshoots. So, to be more specific, it would be wise to focus on a career in digital marketing.
This includes search engine optimization (SEO) specialists, content management, social media marketing, user experience (UX) designers, analysts, and more.
Heavy hitters like Google and Facebook will continue to alter the lay of the land. But, there will always be room on the job boards for any number of these marketing jobs.
Graphic Design & Web Design
We'd like to touch upon graphic design and web design. We almost lumped the two into marketing. But, in truth, they deserve their own category because the two are not only quite distinct, but also two of the best careers to get into in 2021.
Graphic design takes on a highly creative bent. It involves the use of graphics, typography, and imagery to present an idea to the public.
Typically, it doesn't take on any sort of programming. Rather, graphic designers develop the artwork that will be incorporated into other mediums, e.g., websites, brochures, and other branding materials.
Web design is also very creative. Nobody wants to visit a dull, boring, and lifeless website. That won't garner new leads for the company. So, while web design does include the use of graphics, typography, and imagery, it takes things a step further.
Web designers are also responsible for the efficiency of their creations. Web sites need to load fast, run efficiently, and prohibit high bounce rates. So, web designers need to learn entirely new languages, including, but not limited to, CSS and HTML.
Human Services
Of course, a degree in education is one of the most poignant ways to help people. But, so is a degree in human services. Indeed, it's one of the top 2021 college majors.
This includes various roles like substance abuse counselor, social worker, child service provider, and more. Mental health is something that will always be a priority. In fact, the tougher the times get, the more it's required.
You might find yourself taking a lot of psychology, humanity, and behavioral science classes. In the end, you'll have a firm understanding of the human psyche and can go on to be a mediator who helps individuals and families in need.
Criminal Justice
Remember all those border crises we used to hear about on the news? Well, they're far from over. If you like to uphold the law of the land in which you live, and would like to encourage others to do the same, then you might consider a career in criminal justice.
Of course, you don't need to move to California or Texas to pursue a career in border control. You can consider entering your local police force, graduating to a homicide detective, becoming a state trooper, or even look at the field of forensic psychology.
Indeed, a career in criminal justice will pave the way to a stream of professional opportunities, just like the world of digital marketing.
There's nothing like a global pandemic to make people prioritize their personal health. So, if you have a love of people, much like educators and counselors, you might consider a medical profession.
A nursing degree is not for the faint of heart. You will spend as much time in the books as you will completing your clinical hours. If you've ever had a college friend in a nursing program, you'll know their schedule was rigorous at all times.
Yet, even before COVID hit, the baby boomers were coming to an age when they were needing more medical attention. Combine that with the overwhelm hospitals and clinics are experiencing, and you have the perfect call to action.
If student life is your kind of life, consider taking your nursing degree all the way up the line to a physician assistant (PA). Doctors' offices all across the nation are often aided by PAs who can perform a lot of the same tasks as physicians, with far less training.
What Should I Major In?
We hope this has answered every college entrant's lingering question: what should I major in? As you can see, there's room for everybody. If it's children that tickle your fancy, look into university education programs.
If it's communications and marketing, leverage the world of digital marketing. Criminal justice, nursing, and the humanities will continue to elicit cries for help, even after COVID has passed us by.
Here at Honor Society, we create tools that will help you succeed, including this exploration of the top college majors in 2021.
We like to post information about scholarships and help students find careers that align with their personal goals.
Join our unique family of academics today as you continue down the pathway of success in school and in life. We can't wait to see you out there.