Authentically Your Own: Where to Buy Graduation Rings
Jan 05,2021
Authentically Your Own: Where to Buy Graduation Rings
Make sure you're getting the real deal, use this guide to find where to buy graduation rings that are officially licensed and are made with quality materials.
Graduation rings are an excellent keepsake to have when you are capping off any part of your educational career. You owe it to yourself to commemorate this time in your life with a piece of jewelry that will make it all feel worthwhile.
Whether you are graduating from high school or college, there are a number of ring options that you would love to buy. It's important that you find out what companies are the best, and how you can customize the ring to your liking.
The tips below will show you where to buy graduation rings and so much more.
Where to Buy Graduation Rings and How to Make the Right Purchase
What started as a tradition on the campus of Virginia Tech in the early 1900s has evolved into one that students all over follow. It was on this campus in Blacksburg, Virginia, that students first began creating rings to share and celebrate being on the cusp of their senior year.
Since then, several schools all over have begun encouraging this tradition. Many also hold a ring dance where students get to receive their rings and celebrate this occasion.
Here is what you need to know so that you too can take part in this tradition:
If you're trying to purchase the best graduating ring, it starts with a bit of research.
1. Shop With a Company That is Trustworthy and Focused on Quality
When you'd like to buy a brand new graduation ring, you should only shop with a company that is trustworthy. Organizations like Class Ring Museum thrive at helping customers find the best ring possible.
This is a company that doesn't cut corners, and never cheap out when it comes to the materials that their rings are made with. In fact, they use finer materials than you'll find when shopping with bigger companies like Jostens, Herff Jones, and Balfour.
To make sure you're getting your money's worth, choose the right company first, and let this guide the rest of your design process.
2. Browse Some Catalogs to Explore Your Options and Figure Out What Style is Best for You
Once you've found some credible options for ring shops, look through their catalogs to see what they can offer you.
This will let you know the common themes people go with, and which style is best for you. Some examples of style choices you can look for include class bands that look similar to engagement and wedding rings, a traditional high school ring with a colorful stone setting, and several stylish fashion-like options.
You can buy a varsity-style ring that looks similar to the championship rings that teams get when they win it all.
When you start looking into these options, it will help you decide on the ring style that is useful to you and your needs.
3. Work to Personalize the Class Ring
If you are thinking about purchasing a class ring, take the time to personalize it to the fullest. This is the time that you should look to make the ring all your own.
You can set it up to display details like the graduation year date, information on any sports and activities you have played, and the name and colors of your school. You can engrave your signature inside of the ring as well.
Many people choose their birthstone as the main setting, while others decide to include the colors of their school, or other colors that they choose for different reasons. Make sure that you also decide on what kind of metal you'd like the ring to be made with.
Some people prefer a classic metal look, or you could go with premium metals like sterling silver, gold, or rose gold. Figure out in detail what you would like from the class ring so that you can get the finished product that you will love to wear.
People love rings made with gold because of the quality and value. For high school students, this is often the most substantial jewelry purchase that they make at this time in their lives.
4. Talk to a Representative
When you are thinking about buying a new graduation ring, consider talking to a class rings representative that can show you plenty of options. They will advise you on the class rings process and walk you through the details of creating your own graduation ring.
The representatives can show you their catalogs and all of the options that you can mull through. Most importantly, they will fit you for your ring so that you choose the size that is best for your ring. There are numerous tools and tricks online that can help you size your finger if you don't know your ring size.
When you get fitted for your ring as early as possible, you will be able to get a quicker turnaround time on it.
5. Make Sure to Take Care of the Class Ring
It's important that you take care of your ring once it arrives. Stock up on some mild soap that will be gentle on the ring, while protecting the metal.
Routinely rub the ring down with a cloth so that sweat and acid won't strip away at the material.
Purchase a Graduation Ring That You'll Want to Hold Onto Forever
Considering the tips above will help you to figure out where to buy graduation rings. These are rings that you will want to hold onto forever, so do your due diligence when shopping around.
Class Rings Museum would be happy to help you out. When you'd like to shop around, visit the Class Rings Museum website for more information!