Scholarships for Veterans and Seniors in 2021
Nov 16,2021
More and more adult Americans are returning to college. A recent survey found that from 2014 to 2019, almost a million American adults went back to college and finished their degrees.
Of course, it's not easy to return to school and finish your education. It costs a considerable amount of time and money to make the dream a reality.
Scholarships are a great way to ease the financial burden of higher education, but many seniors and veterans don't know where to turn for help in finding aid.
There are numerous scholarships for veterans and a few scholarships for seniors. However, neither are as prevalent as scholarships for high school seniors.
Since so many older learners are working adults, they may not have the time to search the internet for information.
Read on for everything you need to know about these scholarships, how to apply for them, and what their eligibility requirements are.
Scholarships for Veterans
A dishonorable discharge typically bars you from obtaining these scholarships for military veterans. Some may have service time requirements.
AMFCEA War Veterans Scholarship
These are scholarships for military personnel who are on active duty. You'll need to have served in Overseas Contingency Operations to be eligible.
Additional eligibility requirements include maintaining a 3.0 GPA, being enrolled in a science-based major, and being in your sophomore or junior year of college.
The funds can only be used for educational purposes. Use this scholarship for fees, books, and other supplies that are required for your college courses.
The application process includes filling out an online form and answering two short-response questions pertaining to your academic goals.
In addition to the application, you'll need two letters of recommendation. Ideally, they'll be from professors in your field of study, but letters from former commanding officers or employers will also suffice.
AMVETS Scholarship
AMVETS offers scholarships for military members that have served or are currently serving in the United States military, National Guard, or Reserves.
Eligibility is dependent on receiving an honorable discharge if you're no longer part of the armed forces. You can also submit paperwork verifying your current participation.
You'll need to have a high school diploma or GED and be able to demonstrate financial need. You should also be enrolled or accepted into a qualifying program and be in good standing regarding federal financial aid. A conviction of possessing or selling illegal substances disqualifies you.
In addition to the online application, those seeking this scholarship will also need to write an essay. Be ready to submit your application and all of the required paperwork at the same time.
AWFDN Legacy Scholarship Program
The Army Women's Foundation offers many scholarships to women serving in the Army, Reserve, or National Guard. The qualifications for these scholarships vary depending on your academic path.
The AWF provides scholarships for certificate programs. community college, undergraduate programs, and graduate degrees. Those seeking a scholarship for a certificate program or community college need to have obtained a 2.5 GPA or higher in high school or on their GED.
Undergraduate applicants must be enrolled in an accredited college or university, maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and have 30 credit hours or more. You'll also need to have those credit hours completed before applying.
If you're applying for assistance with a graduate degree, you must hold an undergraduate degree with a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be currently enrolled or accepted into a graduate degree program.
The application process involves writing an essay on how you plan to use your education. You will also submit two letters of recommendation.
FRA Education Foundation Scholarships
The Fleet Reserve Association offers a host of scholarships to those that have served in the Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard. Family members of individuals that have served in those military branches may also qualify.
Each award could be worth up to $5,000 and has its own unique eligibility criteria. You can apply these scholarships to any level of higher education, from a trade school to a graduate degree program.
VFW Scholarship
The Veterans of Foreign Wars offers scholarships of up to $5,000 for use on tuition and fees pertaining to your education. You'll need to be active-duty military personnel, retired, honorably discharged, or a member of the Reserves or National Guard.
Additionally, it's required you demonstrate proof of financial need and are currently enrolled in a qualifying program.
Army Green to Gold Scholarship
The Army awards this scholarship to those still serving their country. Unlike some other scholarships, these can provide two to four years of financial assistance. It’s one of the best military scholarships.
It offers numerous benefits to its recipients including financial help with tuition or room and board. You'll get more money for supplies, such as textbooks, and a monthly stipend.
It has a long list of requirements, some of which pertain to service time and favorable scores on Army-related tests. Other requirements include possessing a high school diploma or GED and having no more than three dependents.
Enlisted Airmen and ASCP and SOAR Program
This scholarship from the United States Air Force allows enlisted personnel to break from active duty and attend school. They are technically two separate programs, but the award amount and eligibility requirements are the same.
Chosen recipients will receive up to $18,000 in assistance per school year. They'll also need to earn a commission into their school's ROTC program while remaining a full-time college student.
In addition to the awarded amount, participants of this program will receive a stipend. They can spend it on books and other materials necessary for their education.
Upon graduation and completion of the program, members of ASCP and SOAR will commission as second lieutenants in the Air Force.
Scholarships for Seniors
People of advanced age that are looking to return to school have plenty of options for financial aid. There are a few scholarships for senior citizens and plenty of learning opportunities.
They can also apply for virtually any scholarship they find. In fact, that may be the best option for many senior learners. While there may be age minimums to apply for certain scholarships, very few have an age maximum.
Free Tuition?
It sounds too good to be true, but it's a reality. Twenty states have some form of senior discount for tuition.
The states that offer these programs are Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington D.C.
In California, seniors are eligible to enroll in any California State University class for the low price of only $2. Likewise, residents of Connecticut age 62 or older can have their tuition waived at UConn.
Note that these waivers only apply to the cost of tuition. Senior students are still expected to foot the bill for fees and course materials. Still, tuition represents the biggest financial hurdle to obtaining an education.
Furthermore, some universities won't actually award credit for completing the courses. It's more like auditing a class. However, that varies depending on the school.
AARP Women's Scholarship Program
It’s one of the best scholarships for women. The American Association of Retired Persons offers up to $5,000 in scholarship awards. This is for women over the age of 50 who are looking to further their education.
This scholarship is ideal for women looking to go back to school to support their families. Priority is given to women who have been unemployed for over a year, those with limited career potential, and women raising the children of another family member.
While any woman meeting the qualifications is welcome to apply, the selection committee favors those who have faced considerable hardship in life and women in dire financial need.
The committee also takes into account your career goals and the potential impact of the scholarship.
To qualify, you must be over 50 years old and looking to attend an accredited trade school or college. Awards range from $500 to $5,000 based on need.
Scholarships for Older Learners
"Non-traditional learners" are those who aren't in their teens or early 20's and looking to attend college. Plenty of scholarships exist for these adults.
Jeannette Rankin Scholarship Fund
Women over the age of 35 are eligible to apply for this scholarship provided by the Jeannette Rankin Foundation.
You must prove financial hardship based on their guidelines for household income. You need to be looking to obtain a vocational degree, associate's degree, or your first bachelor's degree and be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
They base their selections on your career goals, plan for reaching those goals, and how you plan on giving back to your community.
Adult Students in Scholastic Transition
This is a scholarship for adults who find themselves at a sort of crossroads in their lives. They could be looking to enter the workforce after time off, be recently divorced and trying to learn new skills, or be a single parent.
Award recipients can receive between $250 and $2,500 depending on financial need and eligibility.
Consider applying if you're not currently attending high school. and looking to study full-time. Also, note that this program is only for undergraduates.
Adult Skills Educational Program
This scholarship sponsored by the Imagine America Foundation is a one-time award of $1,000 to non-traditional students.
To be eligible, you must be at least 19 years old, be an undergraduate, and be a U.S. citizen. You also need to be looking to study full-time at a vocational school, two-year cofixellege, or four-year college.
Working Parent College Scholarship Award
If you're a working parent in the process of furthering your education, this scholarship is for you. It's a once-per-year award of $1,000 specifically for parents like you.
Eligibility requirements include proof of working 12 or more hours for the four weeks before applying. You also need to be enrolled in post-secondary education where you maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher and have a least one minor-aged child.
Garrett Scholarship
The Garrett Scholarship is a $1,000 award limited to residents of Texas. These students are looking to get a graduate degree in librarianship at a Texas institution. It's open to both full-time and part-time students.
Further eligibility requirements include being a U.S. citizen and being a graduate student who is affiliated with the American Library Association.
Beacon Scholarship for Rural America
The Beacon Scholarship for Rural America aims to help low-income learners from rural areas pursue their dream of higher education. It's open to graduating high school seniors, students enrolled in college, and non-traditional students.
This scholarship is awarded three times a year to different recipients. Each award is $1,000.
Eligibility is limited to those who live in a rural area and meet the standards for low-income students.
However, the Beacon scholarship is not just for American citizens. It's open to Canadians and residents of Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa.
Boundless Opportunity Scholarship
The Boundless Opportunity Scholarship is a unique scholarship for non-traditional students. It's limited to residents of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. You must also study in one of those states.
Its primary goal is to allow disadvantaged youth the opportunity to succeed with higher education. They especially look for former juvenile justice youth and former foster care children.
The amount awarded varies depending on need and availability. You must attend a two-year college, four-year college, or university. It is, however, open to both full-time and part-time students.
Looking to Further Your Education as an Adult Learner?
Making the decision to return to college is the first step in building a better life. No matter what your background is, there's a scholarship that can help ease the financial burden.
Scholarships for veterans are plentiful and easy to find. Some are even available to their family members.
The elderly can attend college courses for free in many states because scholarships for seniors aren't as common. Older, non-traditional students have plenty of scholarships tailored to their individual circumstances.
Don't let the high cost of tuition keep you from improving your life. Check out the Honor Society's catalog of scholarships or write to them for more information.