Career Choices
Jun 20,2015
With so many career choices available today you need to be picky about what you want to pursue. The last thing you want is to end up in a position that you don't really like and try entering a job market with 6-7% unemployment. Whether you're starting your job search or you have been searching for a while and you feel like it's taking forever, here's some advice for you. None of this advice is very difficult, it just requires a lot of common sense.
Convincing the Hiring Manager
Beginning a job search is a great time to re-evaluate what you really want out of your career. Maybe you feel like you have some transferable skills that you can use for a different position than what you have been doing. You see a perfect position in this field at a company that you would like to work for. This and any other interview can be challenging because you know you can do this job, but the hiring manager has no idea who you are (and is likely interviewing many people for this position who do have recruiting experience). You are going to have to do something to prove that you can do this job.
Step Away from your Resume
So it's definitely important to have a good resume. However, once you've spent a good amount of time revamping your resume you need to spend plenty of time getting it in front of people. It's always good to connect with people using things like Meetup and LinkedIn. It's especially a good idea to try and find someone who already works for the company you want to work for. FYI, most people don't actually view your profile on LinkedIn; they just want to use you as a connection. It's been said many times before, you must spend some time getting to know people.
How to Connect
One of the best things you can do for your career is to craft an email to the people in your network. Spell out the positions you are open to. List the companies you would prefer to work for. Be complete and detail oriented in your email. Details aren't annoying, they are helpful to those who would like to help you. You can then send you email out to a group, such as all your LinkedIn connections. This way it will be harder for them to avoid looking at your profile.
Don't be Desperate
It may be hard when your job search is dragging on a bit. However, the last thing you want to do is start telling yourself and others that you'll take anything as long as it pays the bills. Narrow your job choice down to a certain type of position in that field. This way you can be certain that your position will make you happy when you finally land it. Also, hiring managers want to see people who are enthusiastic about their company and position you are applying for.
1. Larssen, A. (2015, May 15) Five Things Even Smart People Forget When They Are Looking For A Job. Retrieved June 20, 2015.