How to Boost Your Self-Confidence
Dec 14,2015
One of the greatest misconceptions about self-confidence is that we have to rely on others for this boost. The truth is though, that it comes from within. And when it does come from within, it is much more powerful and long-lasting. Here are six simple ways in which you can boost your self-confidence today.
1. Accept compliments, say thank you, don’t turn it into a negative. The next time someone gives you a compliment, pay attention to your response. Did you respond by saying something along the lines of, “oh this old thing?” Women are especially prone to turning a compliment into a negative. Negativity is negativity, especially when it comes from you which can kill the benefits of receiving a compliment. Start working on getting in the habit of simply saying thank you. And if you still feel the urge to turn the compliment around, think of it this way, when someone gives you a compliment and then you turn it into a negative like saying the shirt they like is old, you’re hurting them but telling them that the shirt they like really isn’t that great.
2. Keep a list of all the moments throughout the day you’ve done something you’re excited about or proud of. If you’re worried about this sounding egotistical, remember that no one needs to know you’re doing this. Keep it in a journal or in the notes folder on your phone or computer. We don’t spend enough time appreciating the wonderful things people say to us about our hard work. So many times we spend one second recognizing it and we’ve moved onto to the next thing we haven’t yet done or insecurity. When you have moments of doubts, and can go into your folder and read that message from your best friend who appreciated you being there or your boss’ appreciation for your hard work on the project, you’re going to remember how much of an impact you make.
3. Dress for the part. You may have heard this from your parents. Dress for the part you want, not the one you have. One of the reasons why this works is because it gives you the confidence of the version of yourself who has accomplished your goals. It’s an instant confidence boost. You’re not trying to be someone else, you’re dressing as the best version of you. If you’ve noticed that you haven’t done your hair or makeup in a few days or you’re stuck in a clothes rut, wake up a few minutes early and change up your routine. You’re going to notice a change in your energy even without a cup of coffee.
4. Flip the switch on negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are draining. They weigh us down and keep us from doing our best work. It’s time to flip the switch on each and every thought. So the next time that you catch yourself saying “I’m never going to get this done” flip the switch and tell yourself “I’m getting this done step by step.” Even if it feels strange to turn every single negative into a positive, try it anyway and you’ll start to see that it soon becomes second nature. If you have anxiety, this is a great tool to use to work through little moments that can build on your anxiety.
5. Take a course. Taking a course on a topic that you’re passionate about is an instant confidence booster because you’re taking a subject that you already know about or want to be an expert it and you’re actively learning more about the topic. We always feeling more confident when we feel like we can provide something that others can’t. When you can establish yourself as an expert in an area, you’ll be able to share this with others with true confidence.
6. Exercise. Exercise is a confidence booster no matter what your skill level is. Why? Because it doesn’t matter what you skill level is as long as you’re improving your own. Exercise isn’t something that needs to be compared to others. If you don’t think you’re a runner, sign up for a 5k and train for it and run it. The feeling of accomplishing something you didn't think was possible for you is long lasting.
What advice do you have when it comes to boosting your confidence? Have you tried any of these suggestions in the past?