The Gift of Life: Why is it Important?
Aug 04,2015
"Just because you're disabled physically don't mean you're disabled mentally," is something my grandfather used to tell me a lot. His words got me through those long grueling dialysis treatments. Three days a week I had to attended a dialysis facility near my home, the facility itself was set up like a hospital. It was a big area with dialysis machines and recliner chairs placed next to them. As soon as I enter I immediately step on the scale to get my water weight. After I step off the scale I then go over to my assigned seat, show the dialysis technician what my weight was (so they can determine how much fluid to take off.) They then stick two gauges (over sized needles) into my vein, and then begin the treatment for four hours straight.
This was a daily routine for me After school I had to go straight to the clinic for treatment. This was a very hard thing to go through. All my time was devoted to my treatments, I was always out of energy, and worse of all I was only limited to drink only 16 onces of fluid in between treatments (which is only one bottle of water between treatments.)
The scariest part of the whole ordeal was not knowing when it was going to be over, I've been hearing stores of people being on dialysis for twenty years, I did not want that to be me. I was on dialysis for a year and a half until I received a kidney transplant. My aunt was the donor, unfortunately she died of a stroke and I received one of her kidneys, that moment changed my life for the rest of my life.
For anyone facing any similar challenges I have some tips for you:
It's Not Over!!!
A disability might slow you down, but it cant kill you unless you let it. Know and have faith that everything is working in your favor never let this obstacle get you down because remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Don't Be Ashamed
Just because you are going through an obstacle don't mean that you have to hide it. I encourage anyone to be open with it because not only you are helping yourself get through it, you may also be the the encouragement for someone else get through something similar.
Have a Support System
Having friends and family by your side makes a big difference. Encouragement is one of the biggest things that got me through this ordeal, and the more people you have supporting you you'll be surprised on the things you can get through.
Be Strong
Most of the time you are going to have to encourage yourself. It's going to hard, and some days you just want to quit, but guess what you can't. Dig deep, DO NOT QUIT!
Be Patient
I know this is the hardest thing anyone will have to deal with. I had to not only pray, but have faith in God that he's going to get to get me through. And that's exactly what he did. So to anyone be patient, stay calm and know that everything is taken care of.
Stay Positive
Throughout your obstacle, you have to keep a positive mind stay clear of negativity, and once you've mastered this watch everything fall in place.
Keep Living
This is the most important advice I would give to anyone. You are not dead, you are still a breath of life in this world which means you have to live in it. Travel, hang out, spend time with loved ones. You know the good stuff.
Every 10 minutes there is a new name added to the transplant list, and even worse 21 people die everyday because of lack of organs, I was blessed to be one of those lives to be saved. Be a hero save someone's life.