Community Service Opportunities During Summer Break
Jun 10,2016
Every college-bound teen knows that community service is a key component for any application. But, what you put into service is exactly what you get out.
It is extremely important for students to demonstrate their interest in community involvement and be consistent throughout their college careers and continue into adulthood. It's also crucial to not only be active, but be passionate.
Here are a few ideas that might help you decide how to get involved this summer:
1. Start your own non-profit
If there is a particular area of focus that you are passionate about, consider starting your own non-profit around that passion. If you see a need in the community or on campus, imagine the change you can bring. Start by researching! There are many large organizations that will gladly sponsor partnerships or University Chapter Organizations. For instance, Students Team Up To Fight Hunger is a national organization that I founded on my own campus! Devoted to raising canned goods to local Baltimore City Food banks, it was an easy and fun organization to start up and maintain.
2. Run a workshop for your local church community children to teach them about preparing for their future
Children need positive role models, and what better way for them to relate by admiring a young professional like yourself. Especially when preparing for high school- perhaps the most crucial time of their lives; it's good to have them start looking into their future and all the possibilities it holds.
3. Create your own service project
None of the ideas you’ve seen appeal to you? Get creative and start your own service project. The possibilities are endless!