How to Get Leadership Experience
Jun 27,2023
Most people are surprised to find out how much demand there is for leadership training around the world. In 2010, the leadership training market generated more than $270 billion. However, by 2019, this industry was earning more than $370 billion around the globe each year!
It is clear that people place a lot of value on effective ways to get leadership experience. At the same time, you don't necessarily have to sign up for a course to learn all about leadership. In many ways, the best way to develop genuine leadership ability is to practice being a leader.
However, many people draw a blank when they try to think of ways to start developing their leadership skills. The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do that will help you push your limits and start developing your leadership potential. So what can you do if you want to start getting leadership experience?
Read on to learn about some of the most powerful ways you can start bringing out the leader within you!
Start a Business to Find Leadership Opportunities
When it comes to developing leadership, there is a paradox that many people face. That is that it can take a lot of leadership qualities to take the first steps to start obtaining leadership experience.
For example, starting a business can require a lot of initiative and courage. These are essential leadership qualities. But how are you supposed to start a business if you need these qualities before you can do so?
In many cases, the answer is that you simply have to start taking action, even if that means struggling in the beginning. However, there is a lot to know about starting businesses that can make it easier than you might think.
Once you have seen for yourself how straightforward starting a business can be, you will gain the confidence and boldness that we admire so much in our leaders. So how can you start your own business?
Starting a Simple Business
The first thing to understand is that starting a business does not mean you have to invent something new. There is a big difference between invention and entrepreneurship. In fact, if there is anything at all that you can do to earn money, all you need to do is offer to do so for people to start your first business.
In other words, almost anyone can start a business mowing lawns, raking leaves, or performing other tasks. In fact, many people could do this and earn more money than they make employed at a local business.
So why don't people do it? In most cases, the reason people don't take this kind of initiative is not that it would not be better for them and earn them more money. Instead, it is because doing something new is difficult.
It is also difficult to motivate yourself to find customers and perform your work when you don't have a boss to look after you. However, that is exactly what makes starting even the simplest business such a great way to build leadership skills.
On top of that, once you have started a simple business, you will realize how much more viable it is to start one than you might have thought before.
Understanding and Solving Problems
A great way to start an even more meaningful business is to speak with the people in the communities you're close to about their problems. One of the most important principles of entrepreneurship and leadership is that solving problems often starts with understanding them rather than with thinking you already have the solution.
As you interview people about their problems, you will start to come up with ideas for how to solve them. If you practice trying to solve the problems of the people in your community, you may eventually come up with a solution that actually works.
There are few things that can unlock your leadership potential as much as having the experience of learning about a new problem and coming up with a way of fixing it that people appreciate.
Run for a Position to Learn Leadership Skills
Another powerful way to develop your leadership potential is to run for a position of some kind. This can be a position at your local school like class president. However, depending on your situation, it might also be a position in your local community.
For example, one of the easiest political positions you can run for is precinct delegate. In many cases, only a single person runs for the position of precinct delegate in their local precinct. That means that they win by default even if they only get a few votes.
In fact, there are even cases in which nobody signs up to be a delegate for a given precinct at all.
Even if you do end up having a competitor for a community position like a precinct delegate, you can often put up a good fight just by going door to door and asking people for their votes.
In a lot of cases, precincts only have a few hundred or a few thousand people in them. That makes it feasible for you to speak with every voter in your local precinct.
Running for office might seem impossible when you are young. However, you might be surprised at how effective speaking to voters in your precinct can be. In most cases, no one running to be a local precinct delegate will have ever bothered to do something like this.
Taking the initiative to do it yourself can give you a huge leg up on any competitors you might have.
The Benefits of Winning or Losing
On top of that, speaking with so many people about local political issues can provide you with excellent social skills training. You will learn about how many different people see things and you will also have the opportunity to practice presenting yourself in a professional way.
However, the most important thing to understand about running for a leadership position is that it can help you develop your leadership skills even if you do not win. On top of that, people will be impressed that you had the courage to even try something like this.
Running for a position in your community or school is also a great way to show yourself that you can do difficult and audacious things. Just as with starting a business, many people never do anything like it even though they can. Sometimes, the biggest thing that a leader provides is doing what other people could do, but choose not to.
Cultivate Leadership Experiences With Event Planning
Of course, there is a difference between the skills that help people become leaders and the skills that help them perform well as leaders. One of the biggest things that leaders of all kinds need to do is organize people. In fact, in a big way, that is the central meaning of leadership.
That means that a great way to cultivate leadership is to practice organizing events and getting people to come to them.
This can be one of the most fun ways to practice your leadership skills. That is because it does not matter so much what kind of event you run. The important thing is that you take the initiative to organize an event at all and create something that would not have existed without you.
For example, you might organize people to play games together. You could organize a karaoke night or a study group. You could even organize a book club or a group that plays sports together.
One of the great things about event planning is that you can start small and work your way up over time. You might start by getting just a few friends to play sports together. However, once you have succeeded at that, you might try to invite people to come to watch your games.
At this point, you will begin to meet certain obstacles you will need to overcome. How can you get people to attend your event? This gives you the perfect opportunity to exercise some creativity.
You might need to figure out how to present your event to get people interested in it. Or, you might need to combine it with other things that can make people interested in joining. Some people get people excited about their events by offering raffles or snacks.
Act Like a Leader at Work
Sometimes, people fail to develop leadership skills because they don't take the opportunities they already have to do so. For example, doing a great job at work might lead to plenty of leadership opportunities.
If you take care of problems that other people won't, your boss might start to turn to you when they need help. This can help you build up to more from small jobs. Over time, it can even lead to promotions or other opportunities to contribute at work.
The same applies to building strong relationships with your co-workers. A huge part of success as a leader is maintaining relationships with all kinds of people. If you make a point of reaching out to co-workers, you don't know that well, you will push your limits and learn how to connect with people in new ways.
This can also give you the opportunity to understand people better and learn about ways you can help them. When most people have opportunities to help their co-workers, they don't do so unless they are asked.
However, you can offer your help to practice building relationships and acting like a leader. If you end up with strong relationships with all of your co-workers, that can also increase the chance that you are chosen for promotions at your job later on.
Coach Others to Develop Their Potential
Leaders need to understand people, work hard, and solve problems. You can practice all of these skills by coaching the people you know.
It can be easy to think that you do not have the expertise necessary to be a coach. However, you might be surprised how much you can help people just by encouraging them to work on their problems and offering your assistance.
For example, if you have a friend who is struggling with their schoolwork, you can offer to help them improve. You can set a goal together to help them reach a certain GPA. Then, you can brainstorm together what you can do that might help your friend reach their goal.
If they have trouble with motivation, that can provide you with another opportunity to exercise leadership. You can come up with ways to help boring schoolwork seem more interesting. Or, you can help your friend catch a vision of why it is valuable for them to do hard work even if it is not always appealing.
Many people fail to attempt these kinds of projects because they are concerned about the prospect of failure. There is always the chance that your friend will decide that they do not want to work harder. However, confronting the possibility of failure is something that leaders have to do constantly.
On top of that, you will learn a lot from coaching failures and successes as you work with others. You will get to see for yourself how much simple encouragement can do for people. And you will also get to see for yourself which kinds of strategies work for people and which kinds do not.
Start a Charity to Learn Leadership
Starting a charity can feel as audacious as starting a business. However, it is often easier than people realize.
In fact, starting at charity is the easy part. The difficult part is often figuring out how to get people to support it. However, starting a charity can help you develop your leadership skills, whether it succeeds or not.
All you have to do is pick a cause that you will attempt to participate in. Then, you can come up with events or activities that might help in some way. After that, you will need to try to raise money to support the events and other operations of your charity.
Just as with starting a business, this is a great way to develop sales skills. You will need to come up with events that sound effective and interesting to people. You will have to come up with a way of presenting them that moves people to contribute to your charity.
You will also need to learn how to articulate the importance of the cause you are participating in. That will increase the chance that people contribute to your charity as well as volunteer to help you.
It can feel daunting to do all of this when you are just starting out. However, all you have to do is focus on taking the next step. Even if your charity only goes so far, you will learn a lot along the way.
On top of that, many people will be impressed that you displayed the initiative to start a charity at all.
Help People With Their Fundraising Efforts
In some cases, it can be more effective to help other organizations than to try to create your own. One thing that every charity needs is more funds.
That means that you can offer your services as a fundraiser to practically any charity in existence. By doing so, you can convince charities to help you understand their organization more and ask them about how they usually raise funds.
All by itself, this will help you understand more about how charities work and to get things done. You will also learn about common fundraising strategies.
Then, you can try using some of those strategies to raise some money for the charity or organization you are helping. Even if you find only a single person who will contribute to the charity you have chosen, that can increase the chance that it will want to work with you more in the future.
Take a Leadership Training Course
A lot of great leaders have spent a lot of time figuring out how to pass their wisdom on to others. A lot of that wisdom has ended up in leadership training courses. Although action is often a better teacher than courses, there is still a lot that you can learn by attending a leadership training course.
Some leadership training courses even involve encouraging students to take action in the real world as part of the curriculum. If possible, try to find a leadership training course that does so.
Regardless, learning about leadership with other people interested can help taking action in the real world feel more possible. As you participate in such courses, you should make a point of forming relationships with the other people taking them.
This kind of relationship-building is a huge part of leadership by itself. However, there's a reason that people say that if you want to go fast, you should go alone, but if you want to go far, you should go together. Many of the most successful businesses and charities in the world were started by partners who supported each other.
Finding someone else interested in developing leadership skills can provide you with a partner who can encourage you when you face an obstacle. You will also have the opportunity to encourage them when they are not sure about continuing.
Helping encourage others is a great leadership skill. However, convincing others to continue to work on their leadership skills will also increase the chance that you hold on to your own motivation for doing so.
Teach Others About Leadership Skills
In fact, you can learn a lot about leadership by teaching others about it. Consider writing blog posts or even a book about leadership.
You don't need to worry about getting a lot of viewers or buyers. The point is that articulating your thoughts about leadership will help your understanding of it become sharper.
On top of that, you might be surprised by the impact that you can have on others by talking about your ideas about leadership.
Sometimes, the most impressive thing about a message is not the message itself, but rather the fact that someone is saying it. When you take bold action and teach others about leadership, you are already displaying leadership potential. The more you inspire others, the more you also feel like living up to your own ideas.
Become a Leader by Helping People Make Friends
You can also develop leadership skills by helping people make friendships.
Find people in your school or other communities that do not have many friends. Start by making friends with them as individuals. Then, you can start to introduce them to each other and help them become friends.
As you continue this process, you will end up as something like the leader of a new group of friends. This will also give you the opportunity to coach your new friends and help them become better at making their own new friends in the future.
Volunteer at a Local Charity to Practice Leadership
Another simple way to start getting leadership experience is to volunteer at a charity. However, it can help to do more than just show up and perform a helpful task.
Instead, make a point of getting to know the people managing the volunteers and the charity. Ask them about their problems and what they need help with. If you show initiative, you might find many more opportunities to contribute.
Know the Top Ways to Get Leadership Experience
It can take a fair amount of initiative to find effective ways to get leadership experience. However, there is little else you can do in life that will provide as many benefits and pay off for so long. No matter what you end up doing with your life, having leadership skills will help you live a richer and more dynamic life.
To learn more about what you can do to develop leadership and prepare for higher education, join Honor Society today!