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  • ( December-2024 )
  • SAGINAW, Michigan, USA

About (Summary)

Presently, I am studying in the field of Criminal Justice at Strayer University in the District of Columbia. I attend online classes which I find to be rigorous and extremely challenging which helps me by intriguing my curiosity and has evolved and broadened myself immensely. I found to my utter delight and surprise that I was able to keep up the pace and that I was growing and exhibiting growth patterns in my thinking by being neutral and allowing the exhibiting of differences to help me understand diverse people in the populace. I realized that my life was very different from what was portrayed and what we studied in our book. But, I feel the reason why I did so good was because I started reading from a very young age by watching and learning with my older siblings and being exposed to differing races in our neighborhood and by being nosey by inquiring and asking questions on something that seemed peculiar to me. My mother, father and step dad was well-spoken, polite and mannerable but they had to change their way of speaking to try to live peacefully amongst Black People. I on the other hand retained my way of speaking, inquiry and looking at all things in a logical, theoretical fashion. I realized I was different, I was not spoiled but taught to work and to do a job right the first time and be responsible for my own actions. I had a desire to do things that were ordinarily refused but I said “just wait” and I am trying to do some of my goals and not wasting time as I recuperate. I have received honors including a letter from Dave Leichner of Flagstar Bank, 1977 National Junior Honor Society (Central Junior High), 1981 National Honor Society of Secondary Schools (Saginaw High School), Strayer Invite to join Honor Society June 22, 2017. Further, I received a letter (September 9, 2016) to join Golden Key International National Honour Society, Received a certificate for being on the Honor Roll each term (Spring, Summer and Winter). On January 16, 2017, I received a thank you letter from President Barack Obama and it was one of the greatest moments of my life that someone listened to me and found something noteworthy in my conversation. Another thank you was received by myself from President Obama for my input for Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week in the year of 2015. I was and still am honored to receive this acknowledgment and honor. My life is different but the same and that is to help them (the populace) turn a united face against all foes whether within this country or without. I cannot tell you how much this encourages me to continue on as well as watching my widowed mother try to fight for her children is an incentive as well. This still raises a righteous indignation that anyone would dare to disrespect an elder, to dare to threaten, hurt and intimidate those weaker, disabled, less educated or mentally deficit. Therefore, it is my purpose to step to the front and charge these people to keep united and keep our people(all) protected, secure while we reinforce ourselves and train, and learn, and be ready to refute those too dangerous to be in society who would willfully, maliciously hinder and wantonly kill and murder. Lastly, I thank you again for saving me and mine!


Strayer University
Criminal Justice
2012 to 2017
Delta College
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice

Your Major


Language Proficiency

English (US)

Honors and Awards

Honor Roll - Strayer University
Certificate every Semester
Letter 8-20-2015 from President Barack Obama
Letter of acknowledgement of assisting with getting the Police Officers a Memorial Day and Police Week, 2015
9-9-16 Invite to join Honor Society
Golden Key International Honour Society Invitation due to my being part of the 15% of my class
1-16-17 Letter of thank you from President Barack Obama
A letter giving a citizen of Saginaw, Michigan that gives me pleasure to do my civil duty.
5-16-2000 From Dave Leichner, Flagstar Bank
Letter congratulating me on doing an excellent job in the Assessor's Offie.
Induction into the Honor Society.
Induction into the Honor Society.
Received my certificate for completing BUSINESS PHASE 1.
Bloodborne Pathogen, Corporal Punishment, FERPA, Hazard Communications, Sexual Harassment
Letter from Strayer to join Honor Society
Publish of Poetry
Published Author of Poetry – Mystery of An English Sonnet published in Across the Way, by Eber and Wein Publishing Published Author of Poetry – Black Butterfly published in Stars in Our Heart, by World Poetry Movement
Proposal "A" Implementation Course, Michigan Assessors Association, Dearborn
Required class for job in the City of Saginaw Assessor's Office.

Grad School Interests

My hope is to acquire a Master's degree in Criminal Justice and Special Education as well as a P.h.D. in the field of Special Education.

Intended Job Path

My intended job path includes the right and desire to be a teacher of CRIMINAL JUSTICE and also serve as mentor and woman's advocate to help fight for the rights of women and also pursue the educatonal background to serve as champion for the underdog.

Job Experience

Office Assistant II
Assessor's Office City of Saginaw, Saginaw, MI 1315 S. Washington Avenue Saginaw, MI 48601 989-759-1570
January, 1987 to October, 2003
Saginaw Bay Substance Abuse Services Com, Saginaw, MI 1600 N. Michigan Avenue Saginaw, MI 48602 Dr. Bobby Ann Robinson, Teacher, SVSU
July, 1983 to January, 1987
Clerk Typist
Saginaw County Community Mental Health, Saginaw, MI 500 Hancock Street Saginaw, MI 48602
December, 1984 to August, 1985


Teacher's Helper
Morley Elementary
September, 1980 to June, 1981


Reading, writing, driving, studying, learning, teaching and interacting on my website and facebook with the push for education and relaying of my life in the City of Saginaw. GEARING MYSELF UP TO DO THIS JOB: A position that would entail working with co-workers who have radical ideas of how to change work patterns and who are able to ascertain that differing mindsets help correlate an unique changeable position that ever evolves its situational position to cater and assist clients in any job position that I am assigned. Also, how to use those same radical ideas in changing work patterns to cater and assist those who are illiterate, poor, deprived and need help to change the conflicted idea of those who need assistance. PROMOTION OF THE CITY OF SAGINAW FOR CLEAN UP AND EVOLVING Feliciaswritingjournal.blogspot.com/ and promotion of the City of Saginaw as a futuristic College Town following Ann Arbor and Bay City, Michigan as an exemplary mentor and example to follow on her website. Studymode.com INFORMAL TEACHING Informal teaching on website at feliciaswritingjournal.blogspot.com/


Honor Society

Felicia McCaw - [user:field-short-school] | HonorSociety.org
View Felicia McCaw's profile on HonorSociety.org. HonorSociety.org is the preeminent organization dedicated to recognition of student success, and to empower students to achieve.