I am currently studying to be a Substance Abuse Counselor. I became addicted to drugs when I was diagnosed with HIV in 1996. I have a laundry list of other health issues but now I have overcome many of them. One being Hepatitis C. My cure date was October 15, 2015. I am now HIV undetectable and managing Type II diabetes. I have been clean and sober for 10 years thanks to the support of my service dog and medical providers. I became an advocate for families infected and affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic in 1999. I worked as a client advocate for Human Services Network. I did biopsychosocial assessments for clients entering the continuum of care through the Ryan White Modernization Act. Services included financial, housing, mental health and substance abuse treatment along with hot meals program and food pantry and adult day care. Medical services included doctors visits, prescription drug assistance and dental assistance. Unfortunately, our funding was taken away due to the Iraq war. I have been volunteering with the Ryan White Planning Council's Consumer Council Committee for the past 6 years. We are charged with empowering consumers through education by providing the tools and knowledge to interact with those individuals and committees that affect categorical service delivery of the Ryan White Treatment Modernization Act, including the Texas Department of State Health Services(DSHS). My goal is to become a substance abuse counselor and a licensed master of social work. Over 90% of the population living with HIV has been impacted by substance abuse disorder or mental health issues as well as the recently incarcerated. I want to be a positive voice and advocate for persons suffering with these comorbidities.