Phi Theta Kappa Lawsuit

False Advertising & Attempted Monopoly -
The Phi Theta Kappa Lawsuit Details

Disclaimer: The author of this article is not a neutral party in the referenced litigation. Inc., Honor Society Foundation Inc., and its president Michael Moradian were sued in federal court by PTK on April 20, 2022 for False Designation of Origin, Trade Dress Infringement, and Unfair Competition. Honor Society and Michael Moradian countersued and are presently defendants/counter-plaintiffs in this litigation. Litigation is still ongoing and all claims made regarding this case are just allegations against the parties.

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is currently embroiled in a lawsuit that raises serious questions about its integrity and practices. Allegations of deceptive advertising, misleading scholarship claims, and anticompetitive behavior have come to light, challenging the very foundation of PTK's esteemed reputation. As details unfold, it's crucial for students, educators, and the broader community to understand the implications of these allegations and make informed decisions about their involvement with PTK. For a deeper dive into PTK's scholarship claims, visit our detailed page on Phi Theta Kappa Scholarships: What You Need to Know Before You Join. Additionally, our support page provides comprehensive coverage of the Phi Theta Kappa Lawsuit, and for those questioning the value of membership, see our analysis on Is PTK Worth It?. To understand more about PTK, refer to our Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Summary.

Stay informed and vigilant as we continue to provide updates on this significant case affecting the academic community.

Read the federal lawsuit complaint against Phi Theta Kappa:








Honor Society® Sues Phi Theta Kappa Over Deceptive Practices and Attempted Monopoly

Las Vegas, NV, May 9, 2024: In resolute defense of students, parents and the educational community, Honor Society® has filed claims in a federal lawsuit against Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) and its CEO, Lynn Tincher-Ladner, accusing them of misleading students and attempting to monopolize the community college honor society market. Filed in the Southern District of Mississippi, the suit alleges that PTK's practices deceive students, educational institutions, and employers.

The lawsuit details several troubling practices allegedly masterminded by CEO Lynn Tincher-Ladner, including:

  1. False "Top 10%" Claims: PTK is accused of falsely claiming in solicitations that invited students are in the “Top 10%” of their class to entice them to pay membership fees. PTK’s criteria allow a much higher percentage of students to qualify. For example, at Oakton Community College, 44% of students meet PTK's 3.5+ GPA standard—significantly more than the actual "Top 10%." This misleads both those within and beyond this percentile about the exclusivity and prestige of PTK membership.
  2. Alleged Fraudulent Letters of Recommendation: Compounding the member invitation issue, Phi Theta Kappa issues letters of recommendation on behalf of its members, with CEO Lynn Tincher-Ladner's signature, claiming that the PTK member is in the top 10% at their school—without any basis. This deceives students, colleges, and employers about the true academic achievements of PTK members.
  3. Misleading Scholarship Claims: PTK allegedly promotes exclusive access to $246 million in scholarships, which are actually broadly available university transfer scholarships. This misrepresentation leads students to pay for PTK membership under false pretenses. Furthermore, Phi Theta Kappa allegedly advertises that its “average member gets $2,500 a year” in transfer scholarships, which is false. These alleged misrepresentations deceive students as to the benefits PTK provided.

These and other deceptive tactics, the lawsuit alleges, have allowed PTK to misappropriate significant sums from students, by exploiting their trust and aspirations. Moreover, the lawsuit alleges that PTK has sold and shared member data under false pretenses, further compromising student privacy and trust.

PTK has also allegedly engaged in anticompetitive conduct intended to exclude competition from the community college market, harming students as a result. Mikal Calvert, marketing director of Honor Society®, states, "Phi Theta Kappa’s actions have unfairly restricted the choices for honor society memberships in community colleges, misleading countless students. This lawsuit aims to dismantle these falsehoods and advocate for a market that truly values inclusivity and excellence."

Honor Society® urges those affected by PTK's deceptive practices to come forward. "We must protect vulnerable students and educational institutions from these alleged predatory behaviors," emphasizes Calvert. “We encourage anyone who believes they have been misled by Phi Theta Kappa to contact their state attorney general’s office or the Better Business Bureau.”

For more information about the lawsuit, visit To post or follow the topic on social media, use #PTKlawsuit.

Call for Action:

If you have insights or information about PTK's alleged deceptive practices, please email [email protected]. Your privacy and confidentiality will be respected.


About Honor Society®:

Honor Society® is a forward-thinking, technology-driven society dedicated to recognizing academic and professional excellence. For over a decade, Honor Society® has been at the forefront of promoting inclusivity and dismantling systemic bias and structural racism, providing a platform that encourages achievement at all levels. Committed to empowering its members, Honor Society® has reached millions of students and professionals across the nation, promoting inclusive excellence through personalized recognition, diverse programming, and wide-ranging career resources. As a pioneering leader in the honor society community, Honor Society® addresses critical issues often incumbent in historical honor societies, such as accessibility, equity, and inclusivity. It is a proud member of the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE), reinforcing its role as "The Honor Society for All™." For more information about the society, visit




More Links:

Lynn Tincher-Ladner Lawsuit

Phi Theta Kappa Lawsuit

Phi Theta Kappa News Release


Phi Theta Kappa Lawsuit

 Phi Theta Kappa Lawsuit

Phi Theta Kappa Lawsuit
