College Republicans
The first College Republican chapter was founded as the American Republican College League on May 17, 1892 at the University of Michigan.
By 1924, the organization was operating directly under the Republican National Committee as the Associated University Republican Clubs. In 1931, College Republicans caught the attention of President Herbert Hoover’s re-election campaign, who recruited members for youth outreach, in what was essentially the first GOP presidential student coalition.
In 1935, the College Republicans were merged into the newly created Young Republican National Federation, encompassing both college students and young professionals. College Republican operations continued under the Young Republicans until the 1965 founding of the College Republican National Committee (CRNC).
In 2001, the CRNC filed as an Independent 527 Political Action Committee, which it remains today. The CRNC is made up of 50 State Federations and the District of Columbia with more than 1,800 College Republican chapters and over 250,000 members.
On campus, the CRNC recruits, trains, mobilizes, and engages college-aged students in all 50 states and Washington D.C. to win elections and advocate for conservative ideals. Every year, College Republicans from all across America join together to help elect Republican candidates, support the Republican agenda, and become the future leaders of the conservative movement. For many students, campus activism is their gateway into the Republican Party.
Today, the CRNC is on the move.