Honor Society Movie Summary: Everything You Need To Know
Jul 05,2022
While many students are simply focused on surviving High School, many others view it as a mere stepping stone for their overall life plan--with many of these students setting their sites on Ivy League schools. Such is the case for the main character of the new Honor Society movie, Honor Rose (played by Angourie Rice), who is clawing her way to the top and determined to get into Harvard, no matter the cost. Having studied the landscape of her school since 9th grade, she becomes very familiar with the fact that her school's guidance counselor, Mr. Calvin (played by Christopher Mintz-Plasse) has an "in" with the people at Harvard, and works this angle for the entirety of her high school career.
When the time comes to apply, she sits down with the counselor, only to find out that she has multiple competitors standing in her way of the coveted "recommendation letter" she's been seeking from him. While two of her peers pose a threat, she hones in on who she perceives to be her biggest competition: a student named Michael, played by Gaten Matarazzo (known for his role in the popular series Stranger Things.)
Hilarity ensues when she uses her wily charms to distract Michael from his overall goal of acing the midterms and giving her a run for her money as far as grades go. While this is a light-hearted film that teens and families can all enjoy and relate to, it also highlights a very important reality: in order to be the "top student," you not only have to devote yourself to maintaining a near-perfect grade point average, but you must be heavily involved with extracurricular activities, philanthropic efforts, and maintain a pristine social image in order to beat out the competition.
Of course, things don't go as planned when Michael turns out to be much more charming and relatable than Honor bargained for. Toss in teenage emotion, hormonal fuel and attention gripping side characters, an all-star cast and you have the makings of a successful Summer film, and we cannot wait to see the reviews. Honor Society will release on the Paramount Plus streaming service on July 29 in the US and the UK.