Tips for Productivity, Mental Health, and Physical Health
Apr 10,2020
While many colleges, universities and offices around the globe close their doors temporarily, Honor Society understands the importance to contain and mitigate the spread of this virus. So, while most aren’t exactly happy about it, they stay home in hopes of not passing it on to someone who is more susceptible to becoming severely ill.
Honor Society is extremely proud and supportive of those who have chosen to take this seriously and are doing everything in their power to help curve this as quickly as possible. The inability to leave the house may wear on people, but have no fear! Honor Society has constructed a list of full-proof ideas to keep you at the top of your game for the coming weeks:
- Keep a schedule, the way you would any other day: In times such as these, it’s easy to allow yourself to slack off, to sleep in, to let the days roll into each other, etc. But in order to stay on top of your game, try mapping out an easy daily schedule and hold yourself accountable for it.
- Set your alarm at different intervals: Break up your day into small parts so you can get away from the screen. Whether you’re working or studying, it’s good to take a snack break, a walk, or even a quick phone/reading break to shake up the monotony of looking at the computer screen.
- Shower, dress and groom the way you would any other day: You wouldn’t show up to the office in sweats, morning hair and unshowered, right? It’s extremely important to keep up with daily routines, as ridiculous as it may seem for staying inside, because it helps us to continue feeling fresh, motivated and punctual.
Mental Health
- Try meditation, or use a meditation app: With so much information buzzing around us--via television, social media, the newspaper, etc.--it can be hard to avoid the ever-present background noise that can increase anxiety in such times. Clear your head and a space for yourself for ten minutes to keep yourself sane.
- Soak up some Vitamin D: If possible, try to go for a jog or take a walk around the block. Even simple exercise and sunlight will do wonders for your mental health. If you are unable to go for a walk, try sitting out on your patio or balcony and soaking up the sun for a few minutes.
- Talk to close family and friends: While we are certainly living in unprecedented times, there has never been a better opportunity to catch up with family and friends. Many people lead busy lives that only grant them so much free time in between, but the gift of being able to spend more time talking to loved ones can be viewed as just that--a gift.
Physical Health
- Try to break up your day with physical exercise: In line with creating a schedule for yourself and holding yourself accountable to it, and in line with exercising for the sake of mental health, combining these two can actually help to make your days feel more full.
- Download a fitness app (a lot of gyms are waiving fees for these apps during this time): Move your body to get adrenaline pumping, sweat out toxins and relieve any stress or anxiety you may be currently feeling. Being cooped up is hard, but staying inside without any type of movement can make many feel stagnant.
- Stock up on produce (if possible): While many stores are running lower on stock than usual, the produce aisle seems to be thriving. Be sure to stock up on fruits and vegetables, particularly ones rich with fatty oils and antioxidants--like avocados and strawberries. It’s a wonderful time to cleanse your system.
The Honor Society strives to ensure the communities around us remain safe, healthy and thriving, while also ensuring the health of our organization. In the meantime, it can be hard to function in a “business as usual” manner when business/life is nowhere close to usual.
It is our commitment to providing insight, reliable resources and ways to make the most of this time. If you have any other tips for productivity, mental health and physical health--reach out to us and let us know!