HonorSociety.org Alpha Epsilon Chapter Member Spotlight
Nov 21,2016
In 2014, HonorSociety.org launched it's plan to bring chapters to universities throughout the United States. As the largest honor society in the United States, it was clear that the next step for the society was to provide a way for its members to connect with each other in person on a regular basis. Prior to founding the chapters, members had the opportunity to connect in person on yearly national member trips to cities like Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.
These national member trips were instrumental in the founding of the Alpha Epsilon Chapter at the University of Texas - San Antonio. The chapter founder, Mariah Allen, was inspired to start a chapter at her school while attending the Washington, D.C. trip in 2015.
Mariah Allen was invited to become a member in 2014 and decided to attend the event as a way to network and came back home ready to strategize and develop a chapter based on her morals, her background being a student and identifying the needs of the UTSA members along with her community in San Antonio.
"I have essential training for leadership, management and is able to communicate with a diverse crowd. It was time that I took a chance to lead, mentor and encourage others accomplishing the same goal as myself, obtaining a Bachelors degree and improving your character as an overall person," Mariah said when asked about her inspiration to found the chapter on her campus.
Mariah saw how this chapter filled a void on campus. "I believe we filled the void of students missing general information about advisors, registration, informative context to help with resumes, and networking around campus," explained Mariah.
The Executive Board members that she helped put in place bring more opportunities for HonorSociety.org members during the school year. Each board member is instrumental in hosting a variety of events that will benefit their potential as a student.
Jackie Jennings, a member of the Alpha Epsilon Executive Board and serving as the Public Relations Chair, helps with communication throughout campus and keeps the National Office up to date with stand-out members of the Alpha Epsilon chapter.
In the Fall of 2016, Jackie reached out to the National Office about two members who have been important members to the Alpha Epsilon Chapter.
She first named Natalya Ward, a Sophomore majoring in psychology and minoring in dance. She has demonstrated leadership and philanthropy through her dedication to the community. She assisted with the Battered women's shelter, taught ballet folkloric dance and country dance, donated to new beginnings children's home and also assisted with a presentation for the outreach Ministry at New Life Christian Center.
Another stand-out member of the Alpha Epsilon chapter is Jessi Herrada. Jessi is a sophomore Biology major. She demonstrates leadership by attending all of the chapter's general meetings, she has had perfect attendance in all of the classes she is enrolled in this semester, strives for success and has made all A's on her Biology weekly quizzes.
It's no surprise that the Alpha Epsilon members are excelling in the classroom just like Jessi is. HonorSociety.org has impacted Mariah's academic and college experience by helping her focus and stay organized when it comes to her studies. "Becoming a Founder for a legacy here at the University of Texas at San Antoinio, I knew my work had to be completed before the assigned due date to allow myself extra time to focus on the more demanding things in my life, explained Mariah, "Being a member of HonorSociety.org has really allowed me to be comfortable knowing that I have years of experience hosting as presentation, networking, and designing a plan to bring positive change to the community.
Over a year has past since the founding of the Alpha Epsilon chapter and the future of the chapter is even brighter. Mariah's vision for the chapter on campus in the future is that they will not be just an honors organization on campus, but that they will be family, develop friendships and teams that may even turn into businesses after graduation.
"The opportunities and choices are endless here on campus. I believe if we continue to network and identify the needs that the school and community need, there will be no doubt a great future for Alpha Epsilon Chapter of HonorSociety.org here at UTSA. We will continue to open doors and embrace change for educational opportunities, networking building skills and creating leaders to teach the next generation of doctors, engineers, lawyers, bioscience majors, business owners and the list goes on," said Mariah.
The National Office is proud of the efforts and positive contributions that the Alpha Epsilon Chapter has made in its community and looks forward to seeing what its members continue to accomplish.