First year of college is complete! My experience&tips for incoming students
Jul 15,2016
Freshman year of college is done for me and I have had the best experience of my life both fall and spring semester! I would just like to share my experience I have had so far during my time at East Stroudsburg University. My college is located in the Poconos and is a major tourist site.
Before going into my first year of college I did not think I was going to enjoy it at all and upon entering college, all of that has changed. My first and most important tip to everyone is to get involved! Do NOT stay in your room all the time. Go out and join some clubs, find an on campus job and by all means make some friends. Become very familiar with your new home for the next 4 years perhaps. Once I first got to college I stayed in my room for weeks and I hated it. I would always look out my window and see people laughing and having such a good time and then there was me laying in bed all day. Until one day I went out and made some friends and ever since then things have gotten so much better for me. I have jobs on campus now, many new lifetime friends and life at ESU is great. I was a student that lived on campus and even if you are a commuter student there is ALWAYS something for you to do so take advantage of it. Btw it is okay to go home sometimes on weekends but stay on campus and enjoy it.
Another tip I have is to remember exactly why you are in college. Yes college is about finding yourself and having fun BUT you are there to get an education and education comes first. Please take advantage of all the tutoring labs your college might have. Study study study!!! If there is something you particularly do not understand, talk and communicate with your professor. One rule I would say is to have your professor know you in a good way on a first name basis. Most professors should have office hours so go to their office and just talk with them. I promise you they will love it! Another quick tip I have is finish your first semester with a really high and good GPA. It is easy to have your GPA drop and really hard to bring it back up. Lastly, show up to class! Its that simple. When scheduling your classes, choose times where you know you know you can go to every single class. IF! you should have to miss class, let your professor know and make up the work you missed. If not that can be the make or break in you failing a class.
Stay true to yourself and do NOT give into peer pressure! Sometimes when people leave home for college they tend to really let go and lose themselves. Stay grounded and surround yourself with positive people and positive energy!
That is all I have for now : ) I hope everyone enjoys! If anyone has any questions email me : [email protected]