How Can Help You Before College?
Apr 14,2016 is a valuable tool for people of all ages to get ahead, whether members are about to enter college, are currently enrolled in college, or have graduated and are moving onto their careers. can be especially valuable to pre-college students, however, as the community aspect comes into play and allows members to enter an unfamiliar environment with a support net already there for them.
Students will no longer have to click on a Wikipedia article to find out “how to get involved.” Imagine this: You are a recent high-school grad, stepping onto a large college campus for the first time. The builds and faces are unfamiliar, no one knows who you are, and it feels like you are a small fish in an ocean when you’re accustomed to feeling like a shark in a pond. Now imagine you were already apart of an organization, with a community ready to embrace you before you’ve even set that foot upon your college’s campus. The comfort students receive knowing that they are part of a collegiate community ahead of time is priceless.