I'm In Control
Dec 27,2015
I have always been a video game girl; I have mostly been a PC girl, but I also enjoy the occasional PlayStation game. My favorites have always been the “Nancy Drew” series from the development team HerInteractive; when I was little, I was obsessed with Nancy Drew and I was so excited for the opportunity to become Nancy Drew through the first-person games. I still play these games to this day, and have collected every single game. I thought that for today’s article, I would share my love of gaming and give my reasons for why video games can actually be a good thing.
1. They can help with your problem solving skills. One thing about the Nancy Drew games that I love (besides the fact that you play as Nancy) is that each game is filled with different puzzles to solve, from Sudoku puzzles, to creating a mosaic piece, each game has different puzzles that are just challenging enough to make the cogs start to turn in your brain. A couple of the puzzles have even been just like the LSAT Logic Games section (the LSAT is the test that one has to take in order to get into law school).
2. Some games can really make you think. Some video games can make you think in ways other than solving puzzles. For the famous (or infamous) Hitman games, each mission comes with several ways to complete the mission, based on your preferences and if you can execute them well. While the game itself is a type of shooter game, it is more than being a hitman based on what I have already stated on the different ways of completing missions.
3. Video games can help you work on your reflexes. Many video games out on the market can help with quickening your reflexes, from horror games with jump scares, to strategy games, each comes with several ways of developing your reflexes. The frustrating game of Octodad allows the player to use their game controller to become an octopus. The controls are very frustrating to get used to, but eventually the player will get use to them. By using the controller, the player will eventually develop faster reaction times to what is going on in the game and be able to associate what button works which function faster.
I hope that this article has at least opened your mind to the possibility of video games being not as bad as everyone thinks. While some can be controversial, overall, you get from video games what you make of them (if that makes sense). Let me know if you all enjoy video games, what types of video games you enjoy, and if you think they are a positive thing or a hindrance for you. Also, let me know if you agree that video games could be good or if you think that video games are bad. Thank you all so much for reading this article!