3 Ways to Maximize your Summer Reading
Jun 02,2015
Every summer I told myself I was going to read "X" amount of books, but somehow I would always get distracted and only read one or two. Its not that I don't love reading! I just always get distracted with other things; work, trips, family, & friends. I am guessing that you are like this too. So I put together tips to maximize your summer reading!
Tip 1: Make a list. Write down all the books you would like to read this summer. Go ahead and go crazy write down as many as you want.
Tip 2: Shorten the list If you are like me you want to read everything! This is a nice thought but is nearly impossible. So shorten your list. You can do this by using what I call the L.R.G method; length, ratings, and genre. Look at how long the book is, can you realistically focus on the book for 2,000 pages? Probably not. Keep you summer reads anywhere from 50-500 pages for max book reading. Ratings, go online and see how well rated the book is if its poorly rated I would skip it. Genre, I personally am a huge sci-fi reader and so if I find an interesting sci-fi book I am glued to the pages. Make sure you find your right genre that way you stay interested in whatever your reading!
Tip 3: Download an E-Reader I know all the book connoisseurs are gasping in disbelief right now. Don't get me wrong there is something about that new book smell and the way the pages rub against your fingers that make books so enjoyable, but for our goals e-readers are the way to go. I have an e-reader on my phone. The reason they are so great is for those "I am in the waiting office and I want to read my book but I left it at home" moments. Sometimes I forget my book but I never leave home without my phone.
Well that's it! Three simple tips to keep you on track to maximize your summer reading! I hope you all enjoyed and I hope to hear some great book reviews soon!