Member Spotlight Scholarship
Nov 21,2015
So I was recently emailed that I had received the Member Spotlight that moment some of my fears went away. The fear of having overwhelming student loans once I graduate in May 2016 went "temporarily" away. The fear of wondering how I would pay for books in my last semester flew out the window. I sat back and smile, thinking about how my last semester before I become a nurse would be just a "little bit" easier knowing that would have my back. I currently do not have a job because of the time I have to put into nursing school so this puts a lot of stress on my wife, already a nurse, to provide for us, our daughter, and our new addition on the way soon. This scholarship from will not only help me in living out my dream of becoming a nurse, a flight nurse, and much much more....but it will also assure that my family is taken care of over the next months and in the future. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to show you who I am, what I have accomplished, and where I am headed. I couldn't have done this without you. I highly recommend to all students to apply for the scholarships offered through Even if you think its a one in a million never know how much someone else might value your experience or knowledge.