Economics vs Equality: Education
May 06,2015
Every child receiving the best quality education our tax money can buy, that is what education SHOULD look like. Instead we have a lopsided system where your child's education is determined by the amount of money you make each year. If you are fortunate enough to be middle class you can send your child to a decent school where they can receive a good education but if you aren't economically stable you are forced to send your child to a mediocre school where they will be lucky enough to make it home with permanent mental scaring. The quality of our future generations education should not lean on our economic status or whether we live in one zip code or another. Didn't we already prove "Separate but equal" was invalid? I bring up Brown vs. Board because we are approaching this problem with this same mindset except instead it being about the color of your skin it is based on the amount of change in your pocket. The fact is if you can afford to live in a nice home in a nice neighborhood you can send your child to a good school, but what happens to the families that are barely making ends meet and have to live in a run down shack that only offers one place of education. Our kids should have a choice when it comes to our education, and yes there is private and homeschooling but the average price of a year of private elementary school is $7,770, and the average annual cost of private high school is $13,030. If all parents could afford that they could also just move into a better home with a better school district. Now I am an advocator of homeschooling, especially co-ops, but not all parents have the time to teach thier children everyday, some parent work 12 hour jobs just to put food on the table. We need to find the solution to this problem; whether that be re-building our schools internally or letting parents choose what district their kids receive their education so we can produce better students. We need to come together and fight this injustice in our education system so that the students of today can become highly functional educated citizen of tomorrow.