Being a Leader
Aug 19,2015
I am the president of the chapter in my school and it has been a position that has caused me to sit down and look at the difference that i make in my school and community.I have been awarded as the most involved student which means that i have really really been involved.The word to us eis that i have been overly involved because of my dedication to make a difference. It is hard to be so busy that i have no time to rest or even to eat well.I believe that greatness is when you do something and become so good at it that you become known for it.
A leader is a lot of things.A leader is a person that can lead a group of people and take important decisions that others may be unwilling to make or be too scared to take.The leader is always the one who answers questions and solves important problems.A leader is rare because they go through a lot to get to where they are.The president of the United States is an example of a leader.One may ask how does one person control the affairs of the most powerful nation in the world.A leader has to be brave even when things seem so hard and unstable.A leader goes through a lot of criticism.It can be tough when people are crucifying you from all opcrners.It can be maddening.
It can lead to stress and so many health issues.Being a leader is hard no doubt but it is worth it.Ledaers have power over others so it is important to take good control of that power.Leadership in any institution, corporation.Groupings and society can't be underestimated. No matter how small the society may be . It matters.It defines the society.It makes a difference and can be the difference .It can bring about a positive or negative change . It can retrogressive the society or progress it .
Leadership is influenced and affected by the society and vice versa. Leaders brings their personality , traits and characteristics into whatever leadership positions they hold. And if there are no checks and balances within any given system to check mate an erring leader , it can be fatal and disastrous for such a society . Leaders have been known to throw nations into wars that could have been avoided and destroy lives , monuments , artifacts and properties unquantifiable. Many wars have been started on the altar of ego . Many where the mental stability of such leaders can best be said to be questionable. A good example being Adolf Hitler . Why should lives that can't be created by mentally unbalanced leaders be allowed to be destroyed by them ?
The route to choosing who leads a nation must be rigorous and not taken lightly if such a nation is not to be taken backwards and led astray. Bad leaders destroy and when they leave , they leave trails of disasters , destruction ,tears , bloodshed and little prosperity behind and yet their impacts remain even on people's psyche for decades and centuries. History has proven this to be so . And man must learn from history or as the saying goes , it may repeat itself. Thus the reason why stakeholders cannot afford to be flippant in choosing who leads them no matter how short the tenure or term of such leaders , even in the smallest of organizations .
A leader makes the biggest difference and impact and so it is very important that good leaders are chosen.