This is Lyndsay!
Apr 13,2015Well, here comes another introductory post from another blogger for So, where to begin? My name is unusual; it is Lyndsay. This name looks normal, but my first name is pronounced with a z instead of the normal s sound and the “ay” is pronounced like the letter “a”. With a name like this, it’s easy to see that I am far from normal. I am a bit of a gamer; I love PC games, especially mystery games. I started playing the Nancy Drew PC games when I was in fourth grade, and I still collect and play them. In fact, I am patiently (well, more like impatiently) waiting for the 32nd game to become available on pre-order. I also love to read; by the end of second grade, I was at a sixth grade reading level. I love to read anything and everything; the classics, romance, young adult, mystery and crime, you name it and I will probably read it! This love for books has inspired me to write some articles for this blog about one of my favorite hobbies. I will review my favorite books, as well as impart some lessons you can learn from them, and give some opinions on real books vs. electronic books.
Another thing that sets me apart from the crowd is that I actually like school! I have always loved to learn and challenge myself. I guess it is this love for challenges that has pushed me to pursue law school. My parents divorced when I was in sixth grade. I remember a time when I thought that it was my fault that my parents were no longer together. I know that other children who have gone through this experience, so this has inspired me to become a divorce attorney. I want to help other children through this difficult time, as well as help the couple. I am the first one in my family to pursue a higher learning experience, so I am having to learn as I go. As another article idea, I decided to take this experience and help others who are going through the process of applying to graduate school. Even though my articles will mostly be geared toward those who are applying to law school, I will try my best to relate my experiences to others applying to graduate school. I will also have a general education article set that will be an advice column for undergraduate school.
I am so excited for diving deep into each of these article sets. I hope to grow a little and discover more about myself; I hope they will also help you to dive deep into yourself and discover some new things!