National Technical Honor Society Rating, Reviews and Requirements

What is the
National Technical Honor Society?

What is the history of the National Technical Honor Society?

 The National Technical Honor Society is an educational non-profit that exists to honor, recognize, and empower students and teachers in Career & Technical Education. As the honor society for Career & Technical Education, NTHS serves over 100,000 active members annually in both secondary and postsecondary chapters across the country.

 Since its founding in 1984, nearly 1 million students have become NTHS alumni. NTHS honors the achievements of top CTE students, provides close to $300,000 in scholarships annually, and strives to help connect education and industry to build a highly skilled workforce.

 What are the requirements to be in the National Technical Honor Society?

 Student membership is open to high school, technical school, and college students who are enrolled in career and technical education programs. Each student must meet the qualifications set by the school. Membership cost is a one-time $30 fee. Chapters may also add local dues to cover an induction ceremony and any other expenses they incur. NTHS students may transfer their membership to another NTHS affiliate school, at no charge, based on meeting qualifying criteria at the new school, and NTHS Advisor's consent.

 What are the key benefits of being a member of the National Technical Honor Society? 

 NTHS helps members to

  • Apply for scholarships to seek postsecondary education. NTHS awards over $300,000 in scholarships annually.
  • Position yourself ahead of competition in today’s highly competitive workforce.
  • Earn recognition for superior achievement in career and technical fields.
  • Build career portfolios with professional letters of recommendation.
  • Connect to global career and technical education networks.
  • Discover opportunities with leading business and industry.
  • Serve in leadership roles in communities and industries.

 Based on the information, here is our review:

 Our first observation is: that this society exists to empower students and teachers in Career & Technical Education. 

Our second observation was: that this society is geared more towards success in the workforce rather than academic success.

Our third observation was: that this society was founded in 1984, making it a relatively new honor society. 


National Technical Honor Society Rating, Reviews and Requirements

 National Technical Honor Society Rating, Reviews and Requirements

National Technical Honor Society Rating, Reviews and Requirements
