What is the Future of Reddit?
Aug 18,2020
This is from the Honor Society published book called "The Beginner's Guide to Success on Reddit" by Mike Moradian. To learn more about the book or to purchase a copy, click here.
The Future of Reddit
So, where do we see Reddit going into the future? Yes, it has survived 15-years in existence, but does that mean it will always be around? These are questions every social media founder asks themselves over coffee in the morning, and rightfully so. Apps like TikTok came out of left field and are disrupting the usual social media experience we’ve enjoyed for some years.
Will Reddit stand the test of time?
What Makes Reddit So Unique
Reddit is its own universe, as you by now understand. Although it’s responsible for so many good and bad things in the world today, here are some of the reasons why its uniqueness has fortified its continued popularity now and into the future:
- It shapes internet culture. Internet culture is the foundation of future generations. How we talk, share information, support each other, exchange jokes, and debate is important. Many of these norms are born right on Reddit.
- It creates memes. Memes have become so big that even political candidates are leveraging them today. Meme creators feel free to share their work right on Reddit.
- It paves the way for crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is an amazing way to help people stricken by tragedy, unforeseen circumstances, or those without proper funding to have a better life for themselves. Where better to start this movement than on the community social media platform?
- It reshapes online interviewing. The AMA formatting on Reddit has shaped how online interviews occur today. It’s made it easier to get information out of experts and celebrities.
There are really no other competitors that come close to touching Reddit’s uniqueness. With things like Instagram, there’s always VSCO, Facebook, TikTok, etc. for sharing pictures and video. It’s not unique to Instagram. But with Reddit, no other site is based on a boring interface that is passionately guarded by users wishing to share the truth.
Especially as fake news continues to run rampant in our lives right now, a site that eradicates any mention of fake news is something that is more relevant than ever.
Oh, and with the coronavirus pandemic, our communication is entirely digital right now. We are communicating through technology like never before – it’s our lifeline to other people. Reddit sits at the intersection of a desire for human connection and universal truth. It’s two things we all desire while we wait out this pandemic from home. Many of these digital trends will stick even when COVID-19 subsides, as “discussion” is something that has been part of human interaction since the beginning of mankind.
What do you think the future of Reddit will look like?
For more tips on how to succeed on Reddit, read posts from our published book below:
Intro: HonorSociety.org Reddit Review: Introduction to Success on Reddit
#1: The History of Reddit
#2: Understanding Subreddits
#3: Voting
#4: Posting Content
#5: Lingo & Formatting Norms
#6: Who is Not Welcome on Reddit?
#7: Reddiquette
#8: 5 Reasons to Join Reddit Today
#9: The Future of Reddit