Most Recent Articles

  • Ashley S. posted an article

    How To Define Family?

    How do you define family? The members of my family that I was closest to as a child were the family members representing one of my parents' siblings. I say that I was close to them; that is not actually true. I learned... Read More

  • Todd H. posted an article

    The Honorable Definition of Freedom of Speech?

    People got to stop condoning this reckless and abusive social media-driven child with a mean toy mentality, behavior; if we as a society, are ever to have a hope in ever again reigning it into reasonable and sane levels... Read More

  • Megan P. posted an article

    How to Beat the Odds and Adversity

    This article is a personal appeal tpo all who read it. A short version of personal trials I have faced and the tools of success that I found effective to me. Being fellow students, we all need to connect on a personal... Read More

  • Ashley S. posted an article

    Communicating At Work

    This article is about difficult work situations. I once worked in a place that even on orientation day gave me the blues. I met my soon to be boss on orientation day. I did not know who the person would be before that.... Read More

  • Courtney S. posted an article

    Twenty Seven Years and Counting!

    What an exciting day it was......May 6, 2017!  It has taken twenty-seven years, but I finally reached my goal.  I walked across the Southeastern Oklahoma State University stage to accept my Bachelor's degree in Liberal... Read More

  • Megan P. posted an article

    The Break Before the Race

    Hello members! This being my first blog, I will do my best not to put all of you overworked students to sleep. I'm sure that your most un-favorite instructor already does that for you! I wanted to take a few moments to... Read More

  • SUCCESS M. posted an article

    8 Keys to Nailing Workplace Etiquette

    Article by Jeff Vrabel This is more than texting during meetings. One of Jodi R.R. Smith’s favorite quotes comes from a handbook that was published in 1911 and bears the actual title of Polite Matters for Little Men... Read More

  • Ashley S. posted an article

    When Parents Are Controlling

    ‘I want to go home’. This is what I told myself everyday after I graduated from college and moved back home to live with my parents. I was home. But it was not the same home that I knew. I had lived in so many different... Read More

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