Tenacity for the Media
Jan 09,2017
A career in journalism offers a huge sense of fulfilment, its unpredictability and ability to instigate change is both daunting yet inspiring and the worlds current political and social state makes the present such an exciting time to go into journalism. Furthermore, the emergence of digital media illustrates how this profession, will always serve the public as a check and balance for governing bodies -- especially within The United States.
Reporters are in an environment where they are constantly speaking to a variety of people who differ in political views, cultural background and religious beliefs. This is significant not only because it is an amazing way to learn about the world but it breeds objective and open minded individuals who are in the position to set a positive example for the rest of society. Some of the most influential journalists such as Walter Cronkite who is remembered for his honest, level headed and impartial approach to delivering news, was also admired for his ability to provide reason towards the American public during the Vietnamese war and Watergate scandal. He not only set an example for the American public, but for future journalists. Illustrating how a sense of morality and logic are important components of dealing with the effects of tragedy within society.
Working as reporter means there is opportunity to travel. Unlike a lot of other professions, reporters aren’t wired to a telephone or stuck in a building all day. The mobility creates a sense of freedom and makes the job more enjoyable. Furthermore, learning how to speak to people in a way that makes them comfortable enough to open-up to you is beneficial and can enhance the ability to create positive interpersonal relationships, both within and outside of work -- enabling mental growth -- which is an important part of being a human being. This profession fosters a connection between people that instigates understanding, critical thinking and awareness, which is rewarding and offers a sense of fulfilment.
Being a journalist is considered one of the most dangerous jobs in the world because we garner information that has the capacity to dismantle huge bodies of power. Though this fact seems quite daunting, the idea that journalists serve as a check and balance for the public is inspiring. The movie ‘Spotlight’ is a true story based on the allegations against John Goeghan, a Catholic priest in Boston accused of molesting over 80 boys. Three investigative journalists spend one year interviewing victims and researching the history of the church in Massachusetts, where they uncover decades long cover up of Boston’s highest religious, legal and government establishment. This inevitably sparks a wave of revelations around the world and since the scandal broke of moving pedophile priests rather than removing them, investigations have taken place in over 100 cities nationwide and 100 countries across the world. The Boston Globe wrote over 600 stories of priest molestation in 2002. The publication not only sparked a response from one of the largest and most powerful entities in the world but it gave each victim a voice and method in which to heal, as many of the interviewees had never spoken about their dark past.
Given the worlds political and social state, as well as the emergence of digital media, this is such an exciting time to go into journalism. Lea Dunham is a Danish Journalist who runs a podcast station called The Strangers, where she interviews people on personal and political stories. The podcast is not only entertaining but introduces a new form of media that is candid and sincere. It portrays a very liberal yet contemporary way of thinking which is comforting during these uncertain times. The subject of each story is more than just a source because you are hearing the interviewees speak, rather than just reading about them in the paper or watching a short interview on a news channel. Dunham has multiple conversations with each of her subjects so listeners learn more about their characteristics, and background. This is a great way to create a connection between strangers because there is an opportunity to listen to like-minded individuals speak. The Strangers podcast is a new, subtle and creative way to unite and educate people. Furthermore, media like this give young journalists a platform on which to showcase their work and ideas.
Trevor Noah, who is a comedian turned T.V personality hosts ‘The Daily Show’ where he not only interviews several influential people, but offers a political commentary of American government. He can say things that reporters on cable are not allowed to, which give the public a very raw and at times comedic evaluation of the world around us. Like Walter Cronkite, Noah provides an objective and level headed evaluation of the news, that focuses less on scandalous issues and asks thought provoking questions based on real evidence. During the height of the Black Lives Matter movement on social media, Noah hosted an episode where he spoke about the significance of all lives and brought to light how law enforcement needed to acknowledge the ongoing issue of police brutality. Popular news channels such as CNN or BBC cannot talk about this because reporters are expected to state ’just the facts.’ This is a significant part of being a journalist however Noah provided a different stance that I had never thought about before. Journalists have the capability to influence the masses and with different forms of media emerging, it is exciting to think about the new ways we can connect and share with one another.
Language is the most ancient form of communication and working as an editor or in broadcast journalism will allow me to be a part of recording our history. I enjoy research and writing and having the opportunity to change the lives of strangers just by sharing their story is such an intriguing and rewarding idea to me. The world is changing and I want to leave a legacy that has healed communities and instigated revolt -- by sharing the information that needs to be heard. The idea that journalists are sometimes a threat to authority is so enticing and I am going to be a part of the generation that keeps the checks and balances in place.