Step by Step Process to Finish Final Assignments
May 02,2016
Now that finals are finally here and the semester is almost over, it may be the time to make sure you have everything in order, whether that means you’re simply leaving for the summer or that you’re graduating.
Check Your Assignments
Make sure that you have all your work in order for classes. Since finals are around, every teacher has the art of creating many final projects before the actually final test. Funny. To our dismay, that means doing more work than we think necessary. So before you begin any kind of organizing, make sure you have all your assignments from your classes.
Take the Weekend
For me, this starts on Friday. What I like to do is start my Friday off by brewing a fresh pot of coffee while scheduling out how many days all my assignments are really going to take. Sometimes this means doing each class project on a different day or just doing a nice batch on the same day. As for me, I like to spread out my time evenly in order to make sure there are no mistakes on my work. I usually only do two classes per day for the weekend (Friday – Sunday).
Now that you have your weekend figured out, look at what you’ve decided to do for the first day and pick what would be easiest to start with first. Usually, it’s best to start with some of the longer projects in order to get them out of the way, however, starting with the easiest works gives you not only more time to work on the harder ones, but it gives you a better time to edit. Now, take that nice cup of coffee (if that’s what you like to drink) and spread your work out evenly in a nice, quiet, spacious work space.
Contact Classmates
Whether your friends with some of your classmates or not, sometimes it’s best to hit them up with an email or a text. I found that more students reply to other students a lot faster than their actual teacher because it’s more likely that whatever question you have for them is the exact same thing they were wondering. Or perhaps they need extra notes that they were lacking. The same could be said for you as well. A lot of students actually enjoy doing studying groups, so this could also be an open option for you. You get more out of class and can decipher your work based off of the different perspectives of people in your group.
Extra Notes
These are just a few things I like to do in order to get myself a little more prepared for all the final assignments I have left. First, I love to write myself a list, that way I’m neither scatterbrained nor confused when I do finish something and have to think really hard what else I have left. Secondly, I like to physically organize my work based on what’s first and what’s last, this gives me a clear mind and I can literally just go down the stack. Finally, I love to go on Blackboard and make sure there isn’t an extra announcement the teacher might have suddenly decided to put out while I wasn’t paying attention. Most times, teachers have a little extra something to say about a final or study notes knowing that you only have a couple of days left. More often times than not, these announcements will be useful. For example, my teacher decided to give my whole class the list of vocabulary words we will have to define and use examples for on our final; something to make our minds a little easier since he knew we had other classes.
And that’s it! Work hard on your final days of school and rest easy when it’s all over.