Life As a New Student
Aug 12,2015
*This article is strictly written for educational purposes and depicted through experiences of the author. The image used belongs to the rightful copyright owners.
Dealing With Money Trouble
Once college begins, the first thing that comes to the minds of both students and their families is the amount of money owed for tuition. While attending such a high educational facility is important in the process of obtaining a solid career as an adult, the fact is that college becomes more expensive every year. That is honestly the depressing truth of the matter and will most likely never change in the years to come. With the number of students increasing every year, there are the issues of housing, food and transportation to pay for. While the prices for every institution is different all around the world, it is obviously impossible to list each individual price for the details structuring the daily life of a college student. The best logical suggestion I can provide is to be wise in your spending. If needs must, form a payment plan with the school bursar, giving a certain amount for each block of time (Ex: two weeks for $300).
The Right Books
Having the appropriate books for classes is the key to beginning the year on a high note. In my experience, it is best if you find the most reliable bookstore where you can trust them to have what is needed on time. Even, if you have to order the books due to unavailability, it is not the end of the world if you must do so. Everything will work out in the end. Normally, the professors provide a week-long window for books to be bought before the class-work really begins and the book(s) become your anchor to studying for the right materials. In order to ensure purchase of the required texts, have the bookstore clerks look at your schedule, specifically the class section number. It will help them best to know which books you need for a certain subject, since there are likely tons of books that are about the same or similar topics. There is also a warning that the books will not be cheap, so negotiate prices with caution in order to ensure you have the better results.
Transportation Methods
Getting to and around campus is either the least or most worrisome subject with students, especially if they do not have immediate access to a vehicle. It mainly depends on how close you happen to be from campus and on the weather. The most realistic tip is to either hitch a ride from a friend, which should be more preferable to the local bus. I will admit that during the icy winter where I live, I have taken the safer option of riding with my parents to school to avoid slick patches on the road. They are more dangerous than they seem. And as for going around the actual campus grounds, I find it refreshing to walk. It’s good exercise for the legs and helps one to become more energized for the day ahead. Also, there is the need to acquire a “student” parking sticker for your car as soon as possible. There is nothing more irritating than finding a ticket taped to your windshield after parking in the wrong spot.