The Importance of Inclusivity
Jul 05,2022
In the year 2022, we live in a constantly changing world with new methods of communication, new forms of information and new horizons being crossed on a daily basis. Over the last two years, it seems as though the world has dramatically shifted–in some ways for the better.
Due to the nature of the pandemic and the undoing of many traditional avenues being explored–whether in the realm of education, communication or otherwise, there seems to be one prevalent word that keeps coming up again and again: inclusivity.
What is Inclusivity?
The Oxford Dictionary’s meaning of inclusivity is listed as “the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those having physical or mental disabilities or belonging to other minority groups.”
While this is a very narrow and academic meaning of the word, the broader terminology lends credence to the idea of “creating a work environment where all people are truly welcomed, valued and respected — for all of who they are — regardless of differences. Inclusion isn't the same as tolerance. It's not about putting up with people who are different, but rather is about full acceptance.” The key terms here are valued and respected.
What Does Inclusivity Look Like in 2022?
For people who may not have traditionally “fit in” to a certain mold, the time we’re living in now may seem like a better opportunity than ever. As the world changed, the view of the world was also forced to shift and consider ideas (and people) that may not have been given a fair or genuine shot beforehand. Now, because we live in such an individualized and diverse world, and with the power of the internet connecting people as it never has before, we can truly recognize people for what they bring to the table, regardless of what was once traditionally accepted.
This can be seen through various movements, ranging from online school courses to the body acceptance movement and everything in between. Gone are the days of harsh scrutinization under a tiny lens of what a portion of the population deems palatable. People of all shapes, sizes, mentalities, and intelligence are being considered in ways they have never been before. And through this revolution of what is “acceptable,” we are seeing new, burgeoning ideas form at a rapid speed–all of which are continuing to change the world, day by day.
Why is Inclusivity Important?
Inclusivity is important because it takes people, thoughts, ideas and institutions that may not have otherwise had recognition into consideration. In order to build a better world, we must paint with a broad brush, and in order to do that, everyone must be considered–not only those who fit within the scope of “what has always worked.” In the world we’re currently living in, it has become increasingly evident that “what has always worked” is no longer working—hence why we are casting a wide net now, allowing for the emergence of a new culture, one that younger generations seem to approach and appreciate with new, fresh eyes.
How Inclusive is Honor Society?
Honor Society embraces inclusivity by giving many students who may have not otherwise had the chance for accolades to aspire to their highest and most excellent selves–and greatly rewarding those who have already reached that point. Whether a student has already earned their place as a top competitor academically, are philanthropic in nature, or are a community leader–or they are on their way to becoming one of the many types of members Honor Society is searching for, the point is that the opportunity is there, along with the potential.
Like the new world we’re living in, Honor Society paints with a broad brush to accept students of all types and guide them towards who they are meant to become. Additional support is always key in making people successful, and Honor Society provides that in a multitude of different ways, such as providing members with benefits and opportunities for scholarships.