How Intersectionality Can Help Overcome Racial, Gender, and Social Inequalities in Schools
Apr 21,2023
One study found that one in three students is a victim of racial discrimination in school. Another study found that 21% of gay, bisexual, and transgender youth have tried to commit suicide.
These stats are not there for the sake of it. These statistics show us that there is still so much inequality in schools. Even though our students are more diverse and are more aware of racial inequality, social diversity, and changing societal landscapes, this doesn't mean that things are perfect—by any means.
Part of the reason behind this is that there is not enough focus on intersectionality. By focusing more on that rather than individual identities, we can start to fight social issues in our schools.
If you are interested in learning more about this idea, please keep reading.
What Is Intersectionality?
Intersectionality is the idea that there is a connection between race, gender, sexuality, class, and ability. This connection can be seen by those in school settings, work settings, and so much more.
The connection between these five categories creates a unique experience for every individual.
Although it creates a unique experience, it also has become how individuals may also face unique discrimination because of each of their identities within those categories. It also impacts how some people will feel privileged in those categories.
Intersectionality is an important framework for how we now understand social inequality in our society. Studying and understanding this is one way we can start to address issues and overcome this inequality in schools and other aspects of our society.
More About Intersectionality
Intersectionality also recognizes that every individual has multiple social identities. These social identities are not kept separate from one another—it is what makes every human their unique self.
For instance, a Black woman is going to face different discrimination than a white woman. A Black woman that has dyslexia is going to face different social dynamics and challenges than a Black woman that doesn't have dyslexia.
Every category creates an intersection that determines one's experience.
Benefits of Using Intersectionality in Society
Society often tries to group people into one category.
For instance, if someone has Autism, that means they are defined by their ability. If someone is Black, they are often defined by their race. If someone is gay, they are often defined by their sexuality.
There is a problem with that. There is so much more to someone than one category of the many categories that intersect to create someone's unique experience.
This is why focusing on one category for each person creates issues. There are many limits to the single-axis approach to social justice. That is why there are many benefits of using intersectionality in society to fight for change and create equality.
Inform Policy
An intersectional approach can inform policy and decision-making. Instead of focusing on one or two categories when creating policies, the policies will be more inclusive because they address more.
There is a focus on the unique needs of individuals with multiple marginalized identities rather than just homing in on one specific identity.
Many policies have too slim of a focus, which takes away other parts of many individual identities. By having intersectionality as part of the decision-making process when informing policy, there is going to be far more understanding and a broader approach that is more fitting.
More Understanding
When there is an intersectional approach to the diversity of individuals, it helps other individuals (and society as a whole) to recognize and understand the individual experiences that every person has.
The human experience is extremely complex, and simplifying it doesn't lead to a better understanding.
Getting this understanding to spread throughout society is what will benefit society as a whole. More understanding would mean less oppression and discrimination against others.
This simple understanding could dramatically change the landscape of inequality in our society and in schools. Changing it from the ground up is important as well.
Teaching children more about intersectionality can impact how society moves forward. Our youngest generations are the future of our country. This means that if they have more understanding of others, our society will become more understanding in time as well.
More Empowerment
An intersectional approach is taking all identities into consideration.
For individuals that have multiple marginalized identities, intersectionality can be empowering.
The idea behind it is recognizing how their identity shapes their experiences. Every identity impacts experience in some way or another.
There are many individuals who also share the same identities. Using all identities can help to form a sense of community among individuals with the same or similar identities.
More Social Justice
The only way that society can truly achieve social equality is by using intersectionality.
By considering all identities and the mixing of them, this can help with addressing the issues that some face. Only addressing one identity among many is not going to change society. This is not truly fighting for social justice.
Intersectionality can better provide a framework for addressing systemic issues. This is especially true in systemic issues within the school system when it comes to discrimination and inequality among individuals and groups.
Improved Public Health
There is more to intersectionality than social justice. It can also impact public health as a whole.
You may be wondering how intersectionality and social justice can impact public health. Well, for starters, every individual is going to have health issues based on their identity.
For instance, the gay population has a much higher chance of contracting AIDS and HIV. Knowing this can be beneficial to finding a cure or for preventative cautions in this community.
Additionally, Black women are at higher odds of dying from giving birth than white women. They are three times more at risk, to be exact. This means that if there is reform or laws that are passed for women, it is not going to benefit Black women specifically.
That is why taking into account all identities and how one can affect another can transform our society. Instead of thinking about one thing against all others, we can think about how they all work together.
Using Intersectionality
So how does a school make the shift from thinking of individual identities to using intersectional thinking?
There are several ways to do this.
Address All Discrimination
It can be easy to focus more on one type of discrimination over others based on what society tells us. However, if we want to make a change in fighting for all identities, then every type of discrimination must be recognized through various identities.
This means creating policies, incorporating new practices, and becoming more inclusive and welcoming for all students.
Provide Targeted Support
Although all types of support are great in a school setting, if support is too broad, it is not going to do what it should and could do for students.
For instance, creating time for marginalized groups to come together to brainstorm how to make a change isn't going to be good enough. There needs to be safe spaces for all identities. This means LGBTQ+ students should have a different safe space than Hispanic students' safe spaces.
However, different marginalized groups can be a part of more than one. For instance, a student who identifies as Hispanic and lesbian can go to both safe spaces.
This creates a more supportive and inclusive environment with other students who identify in a similar way.
Creates a Sense of Community
When intersectionality is used in schools, it builds a larger sense of community. Individuals are each working together to fight for social justice and end inequality in schools.
Everyone is on the same page. This means that there will be a greater sense of belonging at the school level, which has many positive impacts on students and the school as a whole.
Fighting Inequality in Schools Through Intersectionality
Intersectionality is a powerful tool that can be used to fight inequality in schools.
Intersectionality is the idea that each individual has a unique experience based on their identities. And, a person can and will have more than one identity.
If you are behind the idea of intersectionality and how it can help schools and the system overall, then you may want to join Honor Society. It's built for everyone with a goal to help them get to where they want to be. And Honor Society prides itself on its inclusivity and the fight for social justice.