Honor Societies and Community Service: The Role of Volunteerism in Membership
Did you know that only about 18% of the population has a time management system? That means that 82% of the population is left without time management strategies.
The average cost of college in the United States is over $35,000 per year. That's a lot of money just for education and related expenses. Being a college student isn't cheap.
About 70% of college students work while enrolled. Some may work part-time or freelance jobs while others work full-time and go to school at night. Regardless, this is a huge undertaking — it's like having two jobs.
Nearly 18 million college students in the U.S. enrolled in a 4-year or 2-year college program in the fall of 2022.
Nearly 20% of American adults face some kind of mental health illness. This is a shockingly high number of people who are dealing with negative mental health problems. Many of these Americans are college-aged... Read More
With over 16 million college students throughout the country, issues of diversity can exist in many forms. Racism is a complex issue that has been present in society for centuries. It's not just about individual acts of... Read More
As a member of an honor society, you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on your community and the world. Honor societies are not just about academic achievement, but also about civic engagement and social... Read More
The arts are an essential part of our society, and those who excel in creative fields deserve recognition for their achievements. Honor societies provide a platform for recognizing and celebrating the accomplishments of... Read More
As students, we are often told that academic success is the key to a bright future. We are encouraged to join honor societies, take on leadership roles, and participate in extracurricular activities to boost our resumes... Read More
As the future leaders of America, it is important for young people to have access to opportunities that will help them develop their leadership skills. One such opportunity is membership in an honor society. Honor... Read More