HonorSociety.org UTSA chapter helps high school students excel in school
Jan 05,2016
Last semester, Mariah Allen set out to found the HonorSociety.org Epsilon Chapter at The University of Texas at San Antonio. As an active HonorSociety.org member who dedicates her time to getting to know other members of the organization and attending the educational member’s trip to Washington, D.C., Mariah knew that having a chapter on her campus could make an impact not only within the campus, but also in the community.
Each HonorSociety.org chapter is required to host two community services events or projects per year, but Mariah and the Epsilon Chapter board members went above in beyond when they decided to partner with a local high school. The chapter reached out to Warren High School, which is located nearby the UTSA campus so that the two could work together with the Warren High School Counseling Department to help these students excel in school and prepare them for college.
The mentorship program established between UTSA and Warren High School is a way to help the students excel in academics, leadership, and networking. The Epsilon Chapter members guide the high school students through the process of developing good ethics.
“We are creating projects, presentations, and much more to allow them hands on learning,” said Mariah Allen, Epsilon Chapter President at UTSA.
The mentorship program has many facets including speaking with students individually, hosting a table at their lunch times, and going to the classrooms.
Mentorship programs for high school students that are led by college students, prove to be successful because the college students are close enough in age to the high school student where he or she can see their academic success as a reality of their own. It also allows them to communicate in similar ways and understand each other better, yet the college student is experienced enough in the college classroom setting that he or she can serve as a positive role model to the high school students.
According to the National Dropout Prevention Center, mentoring is one of the most effective strategies to preventing high school dropouts. The supportive and positive mentorship creates trust with the students. Mentoring not only helps prevent high school dropouts, but it has also been shown to increase a student’s attendance, attitude towards applying and going to college, as well as staying in college after the first semester. Other benefits include higher graduation rates, healthier lifestyle choices, improved behavior, and higher self-esteem and self-confidence.
The HonorSociety.org National Office is excited about the Epsilon Chapter’s partnership with Warren High School as this is a clear example of the HonorSociety.org members representing the core values of the honor society.
If you're interested in starting a chapter on your campus or want to join an existing chapter at your school, email [email protected]