Helpful Strategies to Manage and Reduce Student Anxiety
Mar 21,2023
No one gives enough credit to how difficult it is to be a student. The world seems to sit on your shoulders whenever there's a test. You want to do well so that you can advance into the next section of your life.
Failing or getting a great that isn't quite up to par can feel like the end of the world. The lead-up to taking that test or exam, or writing that paper, all feels like a nightmare. How exactly do students handle everything that comes along with going to school?
Student anxiety happens for a multitude of reasons. Student mental health is an area that needs to be of great importance. How can students devise stress relief strategies?
Let's look at some ways students can take care of their mental health and get on top of stress management.
Why Does Stress Happen?
Stress and anxiety are a release of a hormone called cortisol. This happens when we feel like we're in any type of danger. Yes, even studying for tests and exams count as dangerous in many cases.
Being a good student is something that many people strive to be. The thought of failing those big tests and exams leads to this hormon being expressed throughout the body and we often find ourselves in panic mode.
Stress controls many aspects of your day and can make it so that you don't feel like you can function very easily. If you're a student it is ideal and important to find a way to deal with stress. In order to maintain those grades and find a pattern of work that fits your lifestyle you need to find a way to minimize the stress and anxiety in your life.
Network of Support
Having others to lean on while you are a student is a big part of student mental health. Not only are you and your peers facing the same exams, papers, and tests, but you're also dealing with the same anxiety and pressure. Your peers around you are looking to achieve your very same goals.
Making connections with the people around you can have an impact on the stress that you experience. You will be able to contact those in your classes for study groups and clarification on assignments.
By befriending your peers you take away some of the stress points you face as a student. Fitting in and sharing your anxiety will be beneficial when it comes to not only studying but your mental health as well.
Maintain a Healthy Diet
Were you aware that maintaining your diet correctly is also one way to improve your brain power? Those meals that you eat get broken down and distributed to every area of your body. If you're eating too many unhealthy foods you're giving your brain the wrong signals.
The next time you shop, keep in mind the main food groups and the foods that you should be eating. Many healthy foods will also help you to find your focus and to stay alert longer.
Foods that are high in fat or full of grease will make you tired faster. These types of foods will lead to your anxiety being more intense than it needs to be. Always try to support a healthy diet that promotes brain health.
Take up a Hobby
While talking about school, there should be something that you do in order to relax as well. Hobbies are a great way to escape from those busy schedules. A hobby is something you enjoy that can be done in your free time.
Many individuals take up things such as arts and crafts or video games. In moderation, these help your body to relax and give you a way to push out some of that anxiety you carry.
Hobbies are beneficial for all students to take part in. Every individual needs some type of outlet that enables them to cool down and escape their busy lives for a little while every day.
Prioritize Your Sleep Schedule
Sleep is what gives you the energy to get through those busy days. It is also a great way to feel refreshed and put together through a difficult school situation. One way to reduce anxiety is to make sure you're getting the correct amount of rest every night.
Statistics say that when you sleep better your schooling results show it. You're able to better process what is taking place in the classroom and you have an easier time communicating with others.
Make sure you're taking the time to get an adequate amount of rest every night. Shut off screens, make yourself comfortable, and get those hours of sleep that are a requirement.
Build a Playlist
All too often we don't put enough stock in the benefits that come along with listening to music. One of the biggest stress relievers you can give yourself is the gift of sounds that bring you comfort. Building a playlist with music that gives you joy is a great way to calm down after a long day.
Think long and hard about the music you listen to. Are there artists that you go to when you feel stressed out? Are there songs that make you feel more comfortable than others?
When you think about these questions, make yourself a playlist of the songs that fit this criteria. Doing this gives you one way to deal with the anxiety you feel for a little while.
Make Time for Exercise
Maintaining a healthy diet is not the only physical thing you can do to keep the stress and anxiety away. Going out for a walk is a great way to clear your head and relax your muscles. Not to mention walking is a great way to maintain your overall health.
When you take the time to make walking a habit, you get your blood pumping and your body moving. it gives your body the chance to loosen up those muscles and enjoy a few moments of fresh air.
It is a proven fact that at least 30 minutes of exercise can help your overall body and brain health. Make sure you're taking time to get outside daily in order to stimulate your body and clear your mind. This will help you to focus longer on those assignments that need to be done by their deadlines.
Meditation Calms the Mind
A little push to center yourself and clear your mind is needed. Meditation is the process of finding a peaceful and clear sense of mind that allows you to relax. For a moment, you're able to clear your thoughts and feelings.
There are many different ways that people meditate. Some choose to just take a moment to close their eyes at their desks and to reflect on their day. Others take the route of finding an app or program that assists with how to meditate exactly.
Regardless of how you choose to find your center and to meditate, taking the moment can be beneficial to your overall health. Finding a moment away from stress can be the key to reducing your overall problems.
Yoga Is a Form of Relaxation
While yoga may seem like a form of exercise, it is also a form of stress relief. Not only is yoga a great way to stretch out your body, but it is also a way to relax your brain as well. Many students choose this as one of their stress relief strategies for the benefits that it offers.
Yoga gives you a way to stretch out your body while also taking into account your busy everyday life. You're coached in how to reflect and breathe through those difficult situations that surround you.
Take a moment from your school exams to stretch and think about all of the benefits you have in your life. A moment away from the business in your life is always an asset for a clear mind when it comes to test-taking.
Remember to Breathe
If meditation and yoga aren't your thing, just remembering to take time out of your day to take a breath is enough for some students. Block out all of the work you need to get done and take some time for yourself. Too many students forget that they cannot allow school to take over their every thought.
Much of anxiety and stress can be controlled by taking a moment to think about something that isn't just tests and papers. Remember that you need to focus on your own health and shut off the student in you for a moment.
Even if it is a moment before or after studying, take your time to shut your eyes and forget everything around you. You will see the change in how you feel almost immediately.
Discussions With a Doctor
Sometimes controlling that stress and anxiety isn't the easiest job for everyone. Talking to someone about what is going on and getting it off your chest can be beneficial. Seeing a doctor to help manage stress is a great way to figure out the root of your problem and to decide on coping mechanisms.
Speak with a professional about your options. Find out if there are any medical ways to treat your anxiety and stress. Many doctors may suggest you find a therapist who can aid you with your anxiety in the future.
Mental health is an important area to keep track of. You want to take the steps to give yourself the best expression possible for all your problems.
Organize Your Study Plans
One of the things that you can do to set your mind at ease is to organize your study plans. Take time to figure out what works best for you as far as notes and cue cards go. By doing this, you have everything in order and can breathe easier knowing that your studying will go smoothly.
There are many different ways to study, finding the way that works best for you may take some trial and error to find the way that works best for you. Look into different ways to study and decide a few ways to focus your notes and studying.
Take Time for Yourself
We often forget that we need time to focus on ourselves and to do the things we enjoy. As a student, you're so used to needing to be in the moment and ontop of all asked questions. Taking time away from everything and doing the things that you enjoy is something that you have to make time for.
Even if it is only an hour every day, be sure that you're taking time to focus on yourself. Listen to music, play a video game, make food that you enjoy. All of these little things add up to you taking the time for yourself that you need.
While studying for tests and writing papers is important, so is allowing yourself to do the things you love. This is the best way to take care of your personal mental health and ease your own stress and anxiety.
Student Anxiety Doesn’t Have to Be Debilitating
Being in school is a difficult time in your life. Student anxiety is a real thing that can hinder you from achieving the grades you deserve. Following some of these steps should help you to achieve your goals.
With different tips and treatments, you can learn how to deal with the stress and anxiety of being a student.
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