Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
Mar 21,2023
A big problem that often gets hidden in many workplaces is the lack of gender diversity and inclusion. Unfortunately, the scales are still tipped in uneven directions and the male population tends to garner more respect than women or others of LGBTQ+ identifiers. If we look at the general statistics over the past few years, women only earn 82% of what men make.
Why is it that women are so underpaid and undervalued when it comes to employee diversity? Better yet, why is it so important that companies see that inclusion in the workplace is the cornerstone to making their businesses successful? It is time to take a deeper look into where companies are running into their problems and what can be done to solve this inequality.
Follow along below for more reasons as to why diversity needs to be more widespread in the workplace. Let’s take a look at how businesses grow naturally when the focus on inclusion is one that is fulfilled. It’s time to identify how and why diversity in the workplace should be a prime concern for all companies.
History of Unfair Behavior
The conversation of women in the workplace is one that has been disputed for generations. Unfortunately, even now in 2023, the subject matter is still being inadequately discussed regarding women and female-identifying individuals in the workplace. Instead of seeing women as individuals of equal value, some companies still do not put the stock in that they should.
Dating back to the Industrial Revolution, women have fought for their rights to be seen. Many companies would find themselves in better standing if they took the time to recognize that gender equality and diversity in the workplace help company demographics.
A workplace should strive to value its workers and prioritize safety and inclusion for everyone in the office or building. There are many areas that could use a hand in learning how to safeguard and care for all members of staff.
Level the Pay Gap
One of the biggest plagues in any workplace is that men and women are often paid different salaries. Men take home more than women who do the very same job. This is because many companies believe that women do not work as hard as a male would.
When companies take the time to look at their workers and identify their strengths they see that the work is not dependent on gender and is more dependent on the motivation put forth by a company. Respect is something that all businesses need to offer their workers.
Companies need to evaluate their stance on how they hire their workers and what the pay rate is. Many businesses may find that their most valuable workers are the ones that they are not paying well enough. A company is only as successful as the way it treats its workers.
Strengthen the HR Department
Workers often complain and have questions regarding harassment in the workplace and in return they are not granted the respect of those complaints being taken seriously. Every case should be given a dignified response and adequate attention. These problems should be taken seriously and dealt with accordingly.
If a worker goes to the HR department a full investigation should be done regardless of gender on what the motivation behind the action was. There should be no excusing any worker for any type of bad behavior. Too many individuals report having reported that when there are complaints filed at work the bare minimum is done to circumvent these problems.
All companies should be able to stand behind and trust the HR department. HR is the department that is in charge of making sure that all workers are both seen as well as heard. It is important to have a clear image of how your business is running and how the workers feel while doing their jobs.
Sexism Is an Equal Problem
While the notion that only women experience sexism is one that is long-standing, men can also be the target. Part of inclusion at work is assuring that everyone on the team is protected. Regardless of gender, a stern position should be taken in the respect of all workers.
As far as company demographics go, regardless of sex, all workers need to be held accountable for their actions. All companies need to make strict rules to assuring all safety. A company needs to make respect a priority.
In order to do this, concerns from male workers need to be taken just as seriously as those coming from women. Everyone should be entitled to a safe and comfortable work environment.
Assess Leadership Roles
Leadership roles are another key to diversity in the workplace that is often overlooked. Many companies do not have women in leadership-heavy roles. Unfortunately, many companies seem to be under the misconception that women need more time off than men.
Inclusion at work should be signified by a strengths-based judgment rather than anything else. Leadership roles, when given to the right workers, have a huge benefit on the company as a whole. When companies consider this, their business does better.
Next time you find yourself in the workplace, take in how diverse the leadership is. Does the company have more mostly males in their power roles? This is something that many companies need to work on and strengthen.
Problem-Solving Diversity
An area that is often taken for granted when it comes to how beneficial diversity and inclusion are is when it comes to actually solving problems. The truth is that problem-solving is a group effort. When there are many sources all working for the same outcome things run smoother.
When trying to get to the root of problems and come up with better business solutions, working together is essential. When those working on a project come from different backgrounds the work comes together even better. Diversity allows for all workers to put in different perspectives.
One way businesses benefit from inclusion is that they get to see this in real-time. The efforts of all involved bring a new set of eyes to all projects. Work is abundantly stronger due to having different individuals concentrate and bring their unique perspectives on all projects.
This proves to be highly beneficial for the workplace.
Equality in Time Off
While it used to be thought that women required more time off than men, it has been largely disputed. Mental health flourishes when individuals are given the chance to take breaks, even from work. This is especially true when it comes to those who have their own families.
However, it isn't only women who benefit from maternity leave. Paternity leave is just as important for children's upbringing and mental health stimulation. Many businesses have begun to acknowledge that to demonstrate diversity and inclusion in the workplace, all genders need to be given adequate compensation and time off from work.
Men and women all need the chance to bond and form lives outside of their assigned work hours. Happy employees come from inclusive work benefits like maternity and paternity leave given to their workers. Companies that assess both sides gain respect from their workers with ease.
Learning Opportunities
A logical way to ensure that the company is being well represented and that company demographics reflect diversity and inclusion is to offer the same training to everyone. A workplace is only as strong as its weakest employee. When workers are given the same clear and determined training, they adjust to the routine better.
All workers should be offered the same chance to learn. This is one of the best forms of inclusivity to exhibit. Companies should take the time to ensure that everyone is being trained the same way with the same options in front of them.
Take a look at your workspace. Is everyone on the same working level that is offered by the company? Have they had the chance to learn all skills in the same way? All members of the office or crew should be given the chance to learn and grow the same.
A Focus on Mental Health
Mental health should be a priority for all companies and all workers. Something that gets far too stigmatized and should be at the top of every company’s inclusion list is mental health and the workers who provide services for them. Regardless of an individual's background, mental health services should always be offered to every worker.
To take care of a company means to value the workers. Inclusion and diversity means taking this as a serious matter and offering all workers the chance to discuss and work through their problems. No one should ever be stigmatized for any reason that has to do with mental health.
All companies need to take their workers' health into consideration and provide adequate services. Focus on diversity and mental health. Learn how to make those trivial problems seem like something that is cared about and can be taken care of and handled for all workers.
Men to Women Ratios
The number of women does not have to be measured against how many men work in a building, but, it shouldn't be a ratio that will make the workers uncomfortable either. Looking at the numbers on both sides will give an indication on how a company works with diversity and inclusion.
Company demographics tell a lot about a business and how it cares for its workers. Companies should strive to offer the same opportunity to men, women, and non-binary people alike. This includes what teams should look like in a work setting.
Many companies have self-identifying documentation that comes along with their application forms. This keeps the company honest as to who they have hired and what their teams look like. Keeping track is beneficial to everyone who works with the company or who will eventually become an employee.
The Right Type of Advertising
Put advertisements out that really make people want to be part of the company. Be mindful of every word that you see in an ad for a job that the company is putting its best foot forward by showcasing what they have to offer. When looking to fill a position, a company should strive to make the most out of its job ads.
Look at the company in terms of inclusion. How do they put up their ads and does it seem like they're looking to hire the best possible workers? Do they mind pronouns and language that makes them accessible to anyone?
Many companies are learning to put out advertisements that showcase what they have to offer their workers and what they're looking for in diverse and inclusive workers. As demographics change, so do the requirements for putting out job applications and running companies. Companies need to be able to step up and showcase that they're ready for the chances that come along.
Inclusion in the Workplace Is Vital
Your workspace functions as well as it does due to diversity. Inclusion in the workplace is an important part of your day-to-day work. Bringing the different aspects and areas together is what makes problem-solving run smoother.
Next time you're in the workplace, look around and take a second to appreciate just how different everyone really is.
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