Defining Infrastructure and Business Needs
Dec 22,2016
Towards identifying a root cause. What challenges do you believe are current or have [high] importance in form of present needs? Is it sustainable development while addressing climate change, clean water without conflict, population or a genuine democracy and policy reform fit for long-term global perspectives. Perhaps, it's sharing values by revising security strategies to reduce ethical conflict.
Your ideal business, is an infrastructure that is uniquely characterized by either a product or service when provided. Yet it is how these shared characteristics interact with their surrounding environment, with respect to its effects when consumed or shared which dictate a successful enterprise, as profitable. To be advantageous, competitively involves a rate for continuous delivery. Through each unique frame work and business entity, naturally entices the reliance towards securing a profitable domain while continuing its service or shared marketable product. Within a potential threat or injection. Identifies a specific source where data is being held, commonly; this relationship targets a business and it's customers through an interaction shared by confidentiality and forth revisions. This effort must be referred as, an integrated compatibility, which upon effect when consumed or shared is determined by its successor. When this outcome remains stagnant or becomes reputable, integrative components of business needs are to be strategic and appropriately throughout its continuous, forward looking, delivery of [good] business. Naturally, this sustains a competitive advantage, against any continuous discovery upon [outside] systematic developments when rivaled. When a business adopts a rate of continuous integration for new business, invites advantages, along with questionable uncertainty.
The underlying efforts behind a potential breach is when vulnerable practices become exposed through undetected espionage. Simply put, is a manipulation, it is an effort to attain protected or secured data. Whether it may be for personal or infringed benefit. At times, a successful breach can even shut down a “Database Management Systems” (DBMS). More clearly, a specific breach can alter a data-set, onto another.
How suspected users may gain entry onto your database? It is through various applicable systems, login validations or public forms which invite entry through a user. For instance, a perfect example is:
The average user: when intrigued, a particular interest may lure this user into an environment which is predetermined for injection or malicious circumstance. Uniquely, against their own tactic but unknowingly becomes fit for either threat or infraction.
Threats or potential injections admittedly require efficient documentation for record when accounted and audited. Vulnerability and risk are associated to an organization when a database is to be marked for suspect or future threat. An appropriate documentation process is necessity. Such activity has led U.S. Congress to enact on legislation, “The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002”. To protect shareholders, and the general public from accounting errors and fraudulent practices. Security and threats / injections are most particular to:
Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404: Assessment of internal control
Sarbanes-Oxley Section 302: Disclosure Controls
Reasons behind breached database systems, many. In accordance to malicious activity when underprivileged users gain access to potential information, places an organization at risk for infarction regarding secured information if exposed. This awareness has been [highlighted] upon recent, FBI investigation and it's confinements. An entitlement which declares conflict between regulative and human diplomacy.
Protect new businesses or infrastructures that lack experience due to the existing market with respect to its competition upon a particular service or shared product. For this effort alone, the U.S. Congress enabled and enacted on legislation; “The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002”, through governed integration, potential infractions or [future] threat specifically on sections “404: Assessment of internal control” and “403: Disclosure controls”.
Whilst these enacted policies, do interchange with a diverse population in relation to B2B; simply relies and benefits from a continuous integration of new information technology and its system. Thus resulting, an effect for various integrity gaps to be exposed by vulnerability within one's’ business and modeled-framework. As it should, towards our continuous effort for a greater and sustainable economy, with adaptability. Companies may adapt or scrutinize how these integrated B2B efforts are positioned, in hope, to limit exposure and identify areas where espionage is commonly practiced.
The ethical hacker: understands every business embeds a unique policy, mechanism and security model. Which are in compliance by governance with law and state jurisdiction. However, the ramifications for secured data is through an effective integration upon a secured business model against an unauthorized user. Again, an ideal infrastructure, is uniquely characterized by either its product or service but it is through the policy, mechanism and [selective] security model when integrated.
Here's a common risk analysis ratio model:
When an infrastructure incorporates a reliable and inclusive framework. Understands, the benefits when such integrated instances are to be emphasized; will then identify a continuous delivery system uniquely fitted for any [government] infrastructure or foreign / alliance relation as being advantageous, in a global economy.