December: How to prepare for the end of the semester
Dec 28,2016
Finish strong when it comes to finals. The guide to surviving is to stay ahead of the game. Plan and work ahead. That way if something comes up, you don’t fall too far behind. I suggest staying in on the weekends and focus on studying, getting ahead on work with final papers and projects. I promise the sacrifice is worth the pain when you're rewarded with good grades. It’s much better to enjoy break knowing you put in the time and effort necessary to do your best on your finals, get the good grade and relax.
Preparing and planning ahead is key when it comes to studying. Let’s be honest, cramming for exams never work. Plan to spend thirty minutes a day on one particular subject and put all electronics and distractions away. Then take a twenty minute break and move on to the next subject. I think a little each day for a few weeks, you can save more information and retain it longer. Remember the three studying p’s: plan, prepare, and put in the work.
I find handwritten notes from the professor lectures and supplemental chapters in the textbook to be my main go to material for finals review. Start off by going over all the lecture notes and the class final study guide. Then you will be aware of the material your professor wants you to focus on. Then go back and read the supplemental reading or chapters in the textbook and take notes. A combination of all your handwritten notes will help prepare you best for finals.
The best thing you can do is to keep the mind active but also have some relaxation time. I think by keeping up with reading books and writing everyday help people to read faster and write better. It’s important to take the time to relax and unwind but when you find yourself bored, pick up a book and read. Lastly, look into the classes you will be taking come the next semester. Be prepared for what’s to come when class starts.
When finals come around the it’s important to stay focused, prepared, and plan ahead. Cramming never works, take the time and effort to study. Plan far enough ahead so that you can study for thirty minutes a day and have no distractions. Lastly, relax but also read over winter break. Taking a little time to read can make a big difference in the long run when it comes to your reading speed and writing.