5 Ways to Stay Motivated
Dec 09,2015
Something that we all deal with, and sometimes more often than we'd like, is not feeling motivated. Not feeling motivated makes us feel stuck and uninspired. These feelings can take a toll on our productivity. But there are simple ways for you to bounce back feeling more motivated and productive than ever. Try out these four motivation boosters out anytime that you're getting tempted to procrastinate.
1. Get fresh air
When we’re not feeling motivated, it’s usually because were missing stimulation or we feel stuck. The best solution to feeling stuck is free. It’s nature. Going on just a five or ten minute walk can clear your mind so that you feel inspired and motivated. While it can be tempting to go on your walk and check your phone, for best results makes sure to turn it on silent and leave it in your pocket. If the weather doesn’t permit you to go outside and get fresh air, you can get fresh air indoors too. How? Breathing exercises. Most of us take short quick breaths, especially when we’re busy working. However, it’s so important that we are deep breathing throughout the day to get that stale air out of our lungs. Take a few seconds and take long and slow deep breathes.
2. Work in chunks of time
If you’re working on a project that you’re not feeling very motivated it about, break down everything you need to do and then schedule five minutes breaks in between each task. While this may seem like it will stretch out the time it takes, you’ll actually work much more efficiently. When you know that you're working efficiently, you'll have the energy to get the project finished sooner, rather than putting it off until the last minute and feeling rushed. You'll also notice that when you finish, you'll have extra time to go back and make thoughtful revisions, something that rarely happens when procrastination sits in and a project is completed at the last minute
3. Think about what it will feel like for it to be completed
Don’t focus so much on just getting it done, focus on the feeling of it being done. Our feelings and emotions are much more powerful than our logic, so let yourself feel as though you’ve already completed it. This will make it feel easier to complete and you’ll probably work faster. It's also a simple way to see the light at the end of the tunnel, knowing how great it's going to feel when the project is out of the way and you don't have to worry about it anymore.
4. Treat yourself
I’m a big fan of this one! Before you sit down to work, treat yourself to a hot coffee or tea. Taking sips of a hot drink will break up the monotony of the project as well as keeping you focused. And don't forget that you’ll also benefit from the caffeine boost. Because you’re treating yourself, you’ll already feel a little bit better about taking on the project. It can also be helpful to have a larger treat for yourself for after you complete the project. For example, you can say if you finish the project today, you'll treat yourself to going out for dinner or watching your favorite movie stress free because the project is complete.
5. Change your scenery or work environment
Changing your scenery can make a huge difference in staying motivated and your productivity. If you choose to study or work from your favorite coffee shop, you’ll feel much more excited about taking on the project. The change of scenery will also stimulate your brain and you’ll feel more inspired and productive. If you can’t leave the office, check and see if you can reserve a conference room to work from for a few hours in the day to change it up from your office or cubicle.