3 Things to Consider While You're in College
Jul 03,2015
1. Look Early
When you’re in college, you have the perfect window of opportunity to gain job experience as well as take classes and work towards the goal of graduating. Many jobs require you to have a minimum of two years experience in your field, doing work similar to the kind of tasks you will be expected to complete upon landing a job. Instead of graduating at square one, look ahead at possible job options and see what kind of experience they require to be hired. This can help you decide what kind of side work and experience you want to be gaining before you’re actually applying for the job. Having that extra experience and foot already in the door will move you up on the list of other contenders competing for the same position as you.
2. Have Multiple Versions of Your Resume on Hand
Some companies will care more about certain skills or accomplishments, while others will value experience over current talent and capabilities. When creating your resume, keep a few different versions: one that highlights your education and academic accomplishments, one that shows your awards and rap sheet, one that features your volunteering and real-life experience, etc. Depending on the company you’re applying for, you can decide, after a bit of research on the company, which resume points are most important to showcase. With different versions of your resume ready to send, you won’t have to re-write it every time you apply for a different company.
3. Daydream About Your Ideal Job, Career, and Life
If your field is a vast one with many different specific career routes, think up a few different scenarios to help you decide what is right for you. Could one of those scenarios take you to the city? Would you enjoy a city life and what would come with working for a big corporation? Maybe another scenario takes you back to your tiny, home town. Is creating your own company in a smaller market and living near home something you would be happy doing? Not all jobs lead to the same lifestyle you’ve imagined, or what you’ve been used to up to this point in life. Keep your mind open to a possibility that is the entire opposite of what you are safe and comfortable with, and your job opportunities will multiply.